i watched Big Fish over the weekend

awesome image azal.

i kind of want to see this movie actually, but all i ended up watching this weekend was 7 years in tibet which was ok. is Memento good? i rented that too, but haven't watched it yet.
yeah nick it probably isn't your type of movie. i was thinking about renting ichi the killer from blockbuster instead but someone had already gotten it so i settled for big fish and an evening with kevin smith.
I saw 'Lovers of the Arctic Circle' this past weekend. That one's kind of a weeper as well. But more just bittersweet than full on sadness.

and Mr. Vampire 2 as well. no plot, but good hopping vampires.
incidentally Troy was pretty good, even though it wasn't the Iliad at ALL.

Agamemmnon died at the end (uh, there goes a whole 'nother epic).

Achilles' boyfriend Patroclus became his "cousin"

there were NO gods or anything supernatural in the movie at all. jesus.

also, 8ish naked shots of Brat Pitt and Orlando Bloom from the treasure trail up.