I we could have all predicted this....

Walter_Langkowski said:
Personally I'd rather buy an album from a local band. At least I know they still have their heart and soul into it.

What makes you come to the conclusion that Queensryche's heart is not into the music anymore? Just curious.
"Tribe" was spilling over with emotional and conviction....in many ways, it reminds me of "Rage of Order" in that it's approach is quite different from past works and that it's a nudge towards the future. I think Tribe is one of the most underrated discs of all time. But that's me.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Yeah, I think they have put more effort into it as well, but compared to what for instance? Q2K? Tribe? HITNF?
Yes, compared to those. But please note, I'm not being unrealistic about this album. I am not expecting another Mindcrime I, that album WILL NEVER BE DUPLICATED. I'd be pleased if it was somewhere along the lines of Empire. Moderately heavy, with inspired songwriting. :)

Wheezer said:
Against my better judgement too. And I'll see the tour when it rolls through town too. Actually, the live shows have not suffered much lately. I saw them the last time through with my youngest stepson and it was an excellent show. He had seen them on the HITNF tour and was somewhat unimpressed. He really loved the entire Mindcrime set though on the last tour.
Aren't they supposed to play two sets on the next tour? One set, all of Mindcrime I and second set Mindcrime II? I thought I read that somewhere. Something like that might be worth coming out of retirement for!

SoundMaster said:
"Tribe" was spilling over with emotional and conviction....in many ways, it reminds me of "Rage of Order" in that it's approach is quite different from past works and that it's a nudge towards the future. I think Tribe is one of the most underrated discs of all time. But that's me.
Soundmaster, I've got a lot of respect for you standing out there on that island with just a few other native tribesmen as company. Frankly, I've not listened to their later albums. I downloaded a few mp3s here and there, and they just didn't do it for me. Tate sings in a lower register now and the guitars are too far in the background. Those were always the two most attractive parts of early Queensryche for me...Tate's soaring vocals and their cool guitar tone. I probably should give those later albums a real chance...but then again I've been saying that for 10 years about anything Rush put out after Signals. Maybe when I'm an old, rich, famous author...
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Aren't they supposed to play two sets on the next tour? One set, all of Mindcrime I and second set Mindcrime II? I thought I read that somewhere. Something like that might be worth coming out of retirement for!

Yeah, I read that too. It would definitely be worth it to see that. :rock: They did the entire Mindcrime set the last time I saw them. I didn't care for the actors they used but I did like it that they brought Pamela Moore along to handle Mary's parts. That was cool!
I gotta say, I'm not too thrilled with the prospect of seeing them perform Mindcrime I...again. They're milking this a little too much for my tastes.
Wheezer said:
What's with the condescending bullshit? Personally I buy as much as I can. Buying the Queensryche isn't going to get in the way of me buying stuff from other, more deserving bands.

Actually, I don't think that it was 'condescending bullshit' at all actually. If you were to calm down a little (unless you are secretly a member of Queensryche), then you can go back and read that I said, 'I'm sure Q appreciates you buying an album which you find lackluster and inept'. Now, I'm assuming that that's the general idea of what you feel, since you clearly stated that as a whole, you really DON'T enjoy their albums since PL. Maybe you wouldn't have used those specific words, but that's the general feel that I got from it.

To me, it's really fascinating that someone spends money on entertainment items that they don't like.:erk: :loco:

Wheezer said:
It was meant to cool your heels a little bit in a nice way. Evidently nice doesn't work with you.

Actually, nice works very well with me. I am an extremely nice person if you have to know. And what was so 'hot' about my heels, anyways? Asking a general question? Perhaps you are a little too sensitive to answer a question. Maybe if you just said something like 'I have an emotional attachment to them' would have worked equally as well next time.

Wheezer said:
Seriously, it's none of your fucking business why I want to buy it.

Dude...personally, I don't care WHAT you buy. It's not like I lose sleep over wondering about your CD collection. My point was, when purchasing a bands new LP when ONE almost 100% knows ONE is NOT going to enjoy it, then ONE rewards a band for putting out lousy material. For example, YOU acknowledged YOU don't enjoy their new music. I was curious about it. GET IT?

Maybe you should calm down a bit before going on message boards. Less coffee perhaps.
TheWhisper said:
I gotta say, I'm not too thrilled with the prospect of seeing them perform Mindcrime I...again. They're milking this a little too much for my tastes.

Hey Whisper, where do you get off saying that about Mincrime being performed live...I happen to like that...who do you think YOU are...?!


Actually I completely agree with you on that.
SoundMaster said:
What makes you come to the conclusion that Queensryche's heart is not into the music anymore? Just curious.
"Tribe" was spilling over with emotional and conviction....in many ways, it reminds me of "Rage of Order" in that it's approach is quite different from past works and that it's a nudge towards the future. I think Tribe is one of the most underrated discs of all time. But that's me.

Because I feel that aside from two tracks or so, that it is just un-inspired and boring in it's approach. Yeah, they are probably recording music in what could be pretty well be described as an unidentified musical genre nowadays, but it doesn't do anything for me (and a lot of others too). I respect your opinion if you love Tribe, but it's just going to be one of those personal differences we won't agree on.

IMO, classic Queensryche is 1983-1991, and also the first half of the Promised Land album. Everything else to me is just lacking.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Hey Whisper, where do you get off saying that about Mincrime being performed live...I happen to like that...who do you think YOU are...?!


Actually I completely agree with you on that.
Yeah, I mean they just spent a year, or so, touring the US playing O:M. They came here, central Florida, twice on that tour...with a date opening for Priest in between. If they played both O:M albums back to back, that doesn't leave any time for other material.
TheWhisper said:
Yeah, I mean they just spent a year, or so, touring the US playing O:M. They came here, central Florida, twice on that tour...with a date opening for Priest in between. If they played both O:M albums back to back, that doesn't leave any time for other material.

Yeah, it cuts down on that gray area where they can improvise the set and throw the hard-cores a special bone (like "The Whisper", for instance.)

A lot of the really obscure stuff we will probably have a hard time seeing because of Tate's deteriorated high-end. Still, he does have a good voice, just not like he used to.