New Queensryche song posted online

BenMech said:
I'm in neutral gear. I look forward to hearing the full album before I call where the songs fall in context.

Btw, is that Breaking the Silence or I Don't Believe in Love?

Breaking the Silence, as mentioned earlier in the thread.
Cheiron said:
I love Queensryche, and Operation:Mindcrime is one of my favorite albums of all time.

So do I and in my opinion Operation:Mindcrime :worship: could be the best album ever made. The unfortunate truth is that everything after Empire was aweful. It's like they suddenly forgot how to do everything they did best. No more signature screaming guitar sound. No more catchy choruses. I mostly attributed that to Chris DeGarmo leaving the band but he was responsible for The Hear and Now Frontier album :yuk: and then he worked on a recent album that stunk too. I don't know what happened to this once great band.
Andy Laudano said:
So do I and in my opinion Operation:Mindcrime :worship: could be the best album ever made. The unfortunate truth is that everything after Empire was aweful. It's like they suddenly forgot how to do everything they did best. No more signature screaming guitar sound. No more catchy choruses. I mostly attributed that to Chris DeGarmo leaving the band but he was responsible for The Hear and Now Frontier album :yuk: and then he worked on a recent album that stunk too. I don't know what happened to this once great band.

Not truth just your opinion. The Promised Land and HITNF were good albums to me. Its was Q2Krap and Tribe that sucked. The Promised Land tour kicked ass

Bear said:
Not truth just your opinion. The Promised Land and HITNF were good albums to me. Its was Q2Krap and Tribe that sucked. The Promised Land tour kicked ass

I think too many people were expecting another record like 'Empire' and got nothing of the kind in 'Promised Land', so of course it gets panned a lot. It is much darker, and introspective, than any of their other stuff, but brilliant and sometimes quite beautiful. It was a complete u-turn from 'Empire' and caught some of guard, imo. To me, it stands right up there with their best work.

'Lady Jane' may just be the best song they've ever recorded.
Bear said:
Not truth just your opinion. The Promised Land and HITNF were good albums to me. Its was Q2Krap and Tribe that sucked. The Promised Land tour kicked ass


Agree 100% - glad I'm not the only Queensryche fan that liked HITNF.

BenMech said:
Tribe is undervalued, and in time, will be looked at more kindly.

Are they going to re-record it and send us a good album? Yuk yuk yuk.
TheWhisper said:
I think too many people were expecting another record like 'Empire' and got nothing of the kind in 'Promised Land', so of course it gets panned a lot. It is much darker, and introspective, than any of their other stuff, but brilliant and sometimes quite beautiful. It was a complete u-turn from 'Empire' and caught some of guard, imo. To me, it stands right up there with their best work.

I couldn't agree more. Well put.

TheWhisper said:
'Lady Jane' may just be the best song they've ever recorded.

Now that statement, on the other hand... ;)

TheWhisper said:
I think too many people were expecting another record like 'Empire' and got nothing of the kind in 'Promised Land', so of course it gets panned a lot. It is much darker, and introspective, than any of their other stuff, but brilliant and sometimes quite beautiful. It was a complete u-turn from 'Empire' and caught some of guard, imo. To me, it stands right up there with their best work.

BINGO! Real Ryche fans know Empire was the outlier, the intentional cash-grab in their catalogue, not the norm. Each of the other Ryche albums is full of nearly dour introspection.
DarkTide said:
It wouldn't be any good with DeGarmo either. He was the 'brains' behind Hear In The Now Frontier, and that turned out like grungified crap on a stick.
BenMech said:
BINGO! Real Ryche fans know Empire was the outlier, the intentional cash-grab in their catalogue, not the norm. Each of the other Ryche albums is full of nearly dour introspection.

Agreed. Agreed.

dammit....for some reason, I can't get this to work on my computer. Anyone know of a downloadable mp3 file available of this?

still a long time fan...agree with almost everybody on their opinions...but I'll still buy the product and still look forward to seeing them again....and again....and again...