New Queensryche song posted online

BenMech said:
BINGO! Real Ryche fans know Empire was the outlier, the intentional cash-grab in their catalogue, not the norm. Each of the other Ryche albums is full of nearly dour introspection.
I really don't like when the term 'cash grab' is used for any band. How do I know their motivation for any album for sure. It seems to me, that they were in a really good place when writing, and recording, Empire. Meaning they were starting to get some airplay and respect from Mindcrime. It always seemed, to me, to be their happy album, if you 'happy' as they can get anyway.

They became 'stars' after Empire and, I don't think, it was what they had thought it would be, or wanted it to be. Some don't know, or remember, that it took QR about two years to record Promised Land and was reported at the time to have almost ended them. This gave way to a really personal, as you say, almost dour introspective album.

I think PL is their most progressive album.
It's decent, it sounds a little empty. It has kind of a dry sound, it should be more epic sounding. I'm not saying adding an orchestra or anything. There are obviously some cool little things in the background which I always love that. All and all not a bad song.
TheWhisper said:
Some don't know, or remember, that it took QR about two years to record Promised Land and was reported at the time to have almost ended them. This gave way to a really personal, as you say, almost dour introspective album.

Actually, IIRC, a little bird told me that Geoff essentially quit the band before PL, which is part of the reason it took so long between albums. Obviously, I can't verify the veracity of that statement, but it makes sense to me and came from what was always a good source in the past. Also, IIRC, the band recorded or at least wrote most of album remotely... anyone remember which was actually the case?

I see PL as primarily Geoff's journey... I think the majority of his lyrics are autobiographical to some extent. I think it's pretty clear without even looking at credits which lyrics he wrote and which Chris penned... several of the songs don't quite fit as well as the others.

That said, sometimes I think PL may even be my favorite album... some days it is. Of course, I also like Empire, so obviously, I don't know much. :D

lady_space said:
Actually, IIRC, a little bird told me that Geoff essentially quit the band before PL, which is part of the reason it took so long between albums. Obviously, I can't verify the veracity of that statement, but it makes sense to me and came from what was always a good source in the past. Also, IIRC, the band recorded or at least wrote most of album remotely... anyone remember which was actually the case?

I see PL as primarily Geoff's journey... I think the majority of his lyrics are autobiographical to some extent. I think it's pretty clear without even looking at credits which lyrics he wrote and which Chris penned... several of the songs don't quite fit as well as the others.

That said, sometimes I think PL may even be my favorite album... some days it is. Of course, I also like Empire, so obviously, I don't know much. :D


He actually moved to New York during that time for a bit and thought Queensryche was done, that was before he met his now wife, I believe.

lady_space said:
Also, IIRC, the band recorded or at least wrote most of album remotely... anyone remember which was actually the case?

They took a mobile studio to an island off the coast of Washington and sequestered themselves away in a cabin. They actually had a couple of 'false starts', as it was reported back then, before finally completing the album after about two years. The version of 'Someone Else' that ended up on the album was the original demo of that song. There is a full band version of 'Someone Else' on the remaster.

PL is the album where Geoff definitely took more control of the direction.
interesting post on (scroll down to the news from Monday, January 23, 2006) supposedly penned by Queensryche's fan club administrator.

First, this is the heaviest Queensryche album since Warning & Rage, hands down. Over half of this album is just balls out in your face!

This is the album we as Queensryche fans have been begging for since the original. It's dramatic, theatrical, guitars solos galore, heavy, sad, dark, angry, and fitting.

You wanted solos, you got'em! You wanted dueling guitars, you got' em! You wanted a choir, you got it! You wanted symphony, you got it! You wanted intricacy, you got it! I'm even going to go out on a limb here and say that this is the most complex Queensryche record to date.
