I went nuts and ordered a new axe

i hope we'll get a few pics when it arrives!
i love schecter just because they offer so much lefthanded instruments,
such a shame that other companies still act like dicks when it comes to lefthanded instument enquiries:(

god i hate being left handed... the only half decent guitar i could buy was the ec-1000....and now i've bought it the only thing i can think of doing is owning a seven string. who makes lefty sevens?!

BESIDES schecter because i find the fact that they barely make any pretty slack
Damn, I phoned them and instantly fell in love with the store. I had barely finished asking the question when the dude said: "Oh yeah, the Hellraiser, I already packed it and sent it this morning, it should arrive at your place tomorrow!" :D Easily beats the customer service of a local shop I tried first. Our dialog went pretty much like this:

ME: "Hi, I'd like to buy a Schecter."
CLERK: "Ok."
<long, awkward silence>
ME: "Uhh... An Hellraiser C-1..."
CLERK: "Yeah,"
ME: "Uhh... Could you check the price for me?"
CLERK: "Yeah. Well, it's listed at 899&#8364;."
ME: "And the real price?"
CLERK: "Well, it depends, you know."
ME: "Dude, I want to buy an axe, and whether I'm buying it from you or somewhere else depends on the price you give me."
CLERK: "Oh, yeah, you should come by someday and we'll count a deal!"

WHAT THE FUCK, I'M HERE RIGHT NOW AND WANT TO BUY AN AXE! I finally got the shop owner to count a price for me, and since the estimated cost (even he couldn't give me an exact price) was a hundred euros higher than the shop I ended up ordering it from, I gave up.