I will turn your guitar pro songs into real instruments!

I find it more difficult to write stuff in GP than to program all the VSTi stuff in a DAW, but I can imagine what you're aiming at being a good business. I've been asked if I could do this before and turned a lot of people down. I'll send them your way from now on.
So wait - I don't 100% understand your pricing. Lets say I have a 4 minute song and I wanted you to record guitar and bass DIs for me, how much would that cost? $10 if I'm reading this right?
Also, these aren't just VSTIs right? These are real guitar tracks?
Also, these aren't just VSTIs right? These are real guitar tracks?

I'm 99% sure it'll be Shreddage/Trillian, VMetal/Zombass with Superior Drummer/SSD sort of deal.
You can't expect someone to take on the real deal at those prices.
I find it more difficult to write stuff in GP than to program all the VSTi stuff in a DAW, but I can imagine what you're aiming at being a good business. I've been asked if I could do this before and turned a lot of people down. I'll send them your way from now on.

Thanks man. That would be much appreciated!!

So wait - I don't 100% understand your pricing. Lets say I have a 4 minute song and I wanted you to record guitar and bass DIs for me, how much would that cost? $10 if I'm reading this right?
Also, these aren't just VSTIs right? These are real guitar tracks?

Yes, $10 is correct mate. It should actually be 3 minutes so I need to fix that typo. If you have something that is 4 minutes long though I would be willing to do it for $10.

Depending on how hard the bass you want playing is then yes they would be real instruments. Anything on guitar will 100% be real. (If you want it double tracked though that will be classed as another instrument) Bass though, if it follows the guitar I should have no problem playing it but if I do then it will be ran through Trillian and made to sound good.

if those guitars are not real I've been fooled.

Haha, they very much are!
Someone email the dude from rings of saturn about this already :D Jokes aside, that's a great offer, I might come back to it soon :)
You must have a great deal on guitar and bass strings if you're willed to do it for that price...I wouldn't expect you'd track anything with not fresh strings, right?
Haha, judging by your comments it seems I am seriously underselling myself.

At the moment I am looking at it as an extension on my hobby and I'm going to judge how much my time is worth as/if I get any sales. So prices may change a bit later on.

I'm currently unemployed so this might be some valuable experience as I am thinking of going self employed in the next few months if I can make a basic wage off of it in the beginning. Not just doing this but other stuff too.

Rings of Saturn technicality forget about it but Necrophagist would be a good example of starting to reach my maximum playing ability before I start getting sloppy. That's on guitar. Bass i'm not so great at but I'd be willing to give it a go!
Haha, judging by your comments it seems I am seriously underselling myself.
So prices may change a bit later on.

You should charge at least 50$/song IMO. You need to pay for new strings and something has got to cover the actual work you do. :lol:
I was thiking about doing that for the small bands around town but for 250$ a tune. lmao, I'll pay you 10$ to do it and will keep the remaining 240.
You should charge at least 50$/song IMO. You need to pay for new strings and something has got to cover the actual work you do. :lol:

Strings aren't a massive problem as I change them every 2 weeks anyway.

When you say $50 would that be per instrument. Like if someone wanted guitars and that alone. $50?

Is there really a market out there for this kind of thing? I just have no idea where to start, haha. How would I get people to come find me, etc?

Literally, $100 a week would tide me over for the next few months at a bare minimum.
50$ a song or 50$ an instrument, it's up to you. You would pay for the strings etc with the money you get - "free" one might say.

But my point was that 5-10$ isn't nearly enough IMO.
Yea, I understand you mate.

I'm looking into setting up a website now.

I think that is the best first step to take for something like this. Then I need to search the internet for best ways to advertise.

It's worth a try!
Interesting idea, I could definitely see a market for this. Although there's some things I can't help but wonder, let me elaborate.

First question I have is "Why would bands want do do this?" In the case it's just "Meh, just wanna hear what I have written with something that at least resembles real instruments" - In this case, you could just download Shreddage/whatever, Zombass/whatever and Superior Drummer/whatever, learn to program it well and it will sound pretty convincing. Would save you an awful lot of time (at least in more technical songs, which in all honesty, Guitar Pro songs tend to be), you wouldn't have to buy new strings and the band would be happy, given that was the reason they wanted you to do it.

The only other reason is if they actually wanted you to RECORD their song for them (which I guess was your initial thought), so they can release it. Which is also a very good service, but then you probably have to count in mixing and mastering. And this is where your price gets REALLY low. Because this is, as I have understood, what you are selling, the "whole" package, recording/mixing/mastering.

Don't want to bash on you man, just wanted to give my two cents. As I said, I think this is a very interesting idea. I have actually thought about doing this as well, but with vst's only!