i wish AIM express let me copy and paste text from my IM windows

Here's how it went down. Notice who fired the first shot.

Session Start (AIM - FalseTodd:baliset): Tue Oct 07 16:49:26 2003
baliset: sam have you ever been to the green street cafe in northampton?
FalseTodd: no
FalseTodd: ok bye!
baliset: ok see you later
FalseTodd: i was kidding
baliset: oh
baliset: <<----dumb
FalseTodd: ok bye!
Session Closed by FalseTodd: Tue Oct 07 16:50:52 2003

Session Start (AIM - FalseTodd:baliset): Tue Oct 07 16:51:02 2003
FalseTodd: just kidding
baliset: you my friend are a dick
Session Closed by FalseTodd: Tue Oct 07 16:51:17 2003

Session Start (AIM - FalseTodd:baliset): Tue Oct 07 16:51:25 2003
FalseTodd: Hi!
baliset: i am never im'ing you again
baliset: just kidding
FalseTodd: If you ban me, I'll laugh
baliset: i don't think i can ban people on aim express
FalseTodd: hah!
baliset: this thing sucks ass
FalseTodd: I was about to "warn" you
FalseTodd: But I decided not to.

(Baliset WARNS FalseTodd)
(FalseTodd WARNS Baliset)

FalseTodd: YOU DICK
baliset: i beat you to it

(FalseTodd WARNS Baliset)

FalseTodd: that could affect my whole AIM experience in a negative way
baliset: how?
FalseTodd: I think your warning level is shown to evybody
baliset: yeah but it is only temporary i believe

(FalseTodd WARNS Baliset)

FalseTodd: oh ok
FalseTodd: <<---Not very savvy
baliset: i don't think it matters unless someone warns you up to like 40%
baliset: and i am not that much of a dick
baliset: anyways the only reason i asked about the green street cafe is because some student loan bigwigs invited me to dinner their during my conference in november and i just wanted to get a sense of the cuisine that i will be gorging on since i am not paying.

(FalseTodd WARNS Baliset)

FalseTodd: oh, cool.
FalseTodd: you still there?

(FalseTodd WARNS Baliset)

baliset: yeah

(FalseTodd WARNS Baliset)

baliset: now that was just low
FalseTodd: what?

(FalseTodd WARNS Baliset)

baliset: nevermind