Cubase Copy And Paste?


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
I have a question for you expert cubase guys maybe you've figured this out

Say I wanted to copy like a triplet from a breakdown section that I had just punched in note by note (so I punched in all 3 chugs of the triple manually and aligned them to the grid manually)

So for the next triple I just want to copy and paste the previous one, is there a way I can paste it so that it will line up the exact same way as the original triple i copied did so I don't have to go back and re-align everything

as of right now i try to measure how far off the grid the first chug was and then match that so the whole part is aligned but its hard to do if the first chug starts alittle far off grid line because I really have nothing to reference sorry if this is unclear I can post a picture or something of what I'm trying to describe.
Is everything recorded by click? Are you aware of Cubase quantizing? Select the part and press that what you need?
While I usually will align the actually transient of the guitar slightly off the grid so it hits alittle after the kick drum

Does the quantize function snap the whole event to the grid? because sometimes the event will start before the grid so that I can leave some of the extra pick attack of the chugs
Select your three events, split them at the first gridline (only the first event will actually split, but the other two will still be selected) then paste to the corresponding gridline. Then select the first event in the new batch and size-drag it back so you get the attack.

Select your three events, split them at the first gridline (only the first event will actually split, but the other two will still be selected) then paste to the corresponding gridline. Then select the first event in the new batch and size-drag it back so you get the attack.

This is what I do. Like erryday.