I wonder how many forums this has been on


Room of Angel
Jan 13, 2005
A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded.

Stuipid i know, but i didnt want to take the chance...lmao
Valanx - thanks for creeping me out, Mate!

I ain't a believer of this kind of stuff, but thinking of a dead girl on my ceiling kind of makes me shit myself, you know?

Anyhow, I won't be emailing this off to anyone - I'm gonna take my chances. I will let you know if I make it through the night!

Later, I settle into bed and drift into sleep...

"Toma sota balcu" - ( a whisper in my ear... or was it a voice in my head...?)

I look up....

God! - now I look at it, my ceiling really needs painting!!!


There then follows some smothered noises of me screaming...
Those dead girls can really fuck up your ceiling crawing around like that!!!

Strange as it sounds, i had some really weird dreams last night and i did in fact wake up and thought something was standing by the curtains!.. I shit you not.... But i put this down to playing too much Doom 3 and the withdrawl from a long weekend of alcoholic excess!!

Speaking of which did you have a good weekend? and Happy Birthday for yesterday mate...All the best!!!

LOL, Valanx, My Excellent Chum! Yeah - those dead girls seem to leave a trail like a slug! Don't know where it comes from!

Those video games sure know who to mess your subconcious up don't they! Resident Evil was my bag. I heard those Zombie groans for months!
Weirdly. I've also had some really weird dreams tripping me out - I tend to fall into 'Bodysnatcher' dreams, you know? People that you know but they really aren't that person.They're something else. Always makes me wake up feeling unsettled!

Thanks for the Congrats on my big 33! It was a good weekend with much lager consumed! But the best thing was to see a lot of friends that I rarely get the chance to spend quality time with. I may have had very little prezzies (they reduce as you get older) but I was spoilt rotten and treated like a King for an Evening! The funny thing was that most of my cards were Rock music orientated! I have a lot of mates who are into the usual, boring indie stuff, but it was nice to see that they recognised who and what I am. I was pleasantly shocked when I got a 'Velvet Underground' card from a person that I thought had no idea what kind of music I was into! Brilliant!
Awesome mate! Sounds like you like you had a great time! Very little prezzies but much lager...Sounds fair to me!!!

Those bodysnatchers films are some of the only films to have really spooked me when i was younger, i remember the old black and white one from the 50s i must of been 7 or 8 when i saw it and i refused to go to sleep! everytime my dad came upstairs i was just sitting there on the center of my bed with the lights on and i would make him look under the bed everytime!

The one with leonard nimoy in from the 70s was an excellent remake as well and i found myself being spooked by that as a teenager when i first saw it.

As for those Resident Evil games my girlfriend and i love those and the Silent Hill games as well, they are great games but im more into my fps type games where you run around killing everything in site as if you are looking through the eyes of the character your playing...Doom 3 is such an awesome blend of action and scaryness, when i play it in the dark with headphones on it really gets the heart pumping! Shit scary lol