"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

It would nice to see Bodom take more than a year to write an album. Rush took for ever as they got older to write albums, and most bands don't release albums as quickly in succession as Bodom does. Disarmonia Mundi took like 3 years with their new album. I guess metal bands age quick nowadays. If Alexi spent 2-3 years on the album instead of 1 he might be able to reach that FTR HCDR level again.
^Yep, I kinda sense they've become about 1 song with the last three albums. Shovel, Halo and Morrigan. Well, it's about over now. They're too stuck up in their pride to listen to advice.

Funny to realize tho, the song Alexi did for Helsinki, it included two riffs and two melodies that would've made IWC so much better if he included them on the album instead.
^Yep, I kinda sense they've become about 1 song with the last three albums. Shovel, Halo and Morrigan. Well, it's about over now. They're too stuck up in their pride to listen to advice.

Funny to realize tho, the song Alexi did for Helsinki, it included two riffs and two melodies that would've made IWC so much better if he included them on the album instead.

I fucking know. Like bro that's his own intellectual property nobody would have batted an eyelash if Alexi had any of those riffs on IWC. Probably would have strengthened the album. Throw a guitar solo on IWC even just making it a dual solo would have been cool.
I fucking know. Like bro that's his own intellectual property nobody would have batted an eyelash if Alexi had any of those riffs on IWC.

He played them once for a lame audience who didn't give a fuck in the first place, and the song didn't even have a name. His ego is ruining things, it's more and more about Alexi instead of Bodom.
There's no going back, and thankfully not to FTR. Forget about it. The question is about going forward. But I do suspect that the next album will be more along the lines of HOB, instead of a progression of IWC. Or if we're lucky something along the lines of HCDR.

What's the word on sales for this album? Something tells me things aren't so good. Reviews on Amazon US are all positive, but have been very slow to come in and there are at this point still only 11. If sales didn't go as expected, I suspect Alexi might have to see the need to return to a more familiar formula. And of course there's the strange lack of US tours dates at this point.
There's no going back, and thankfully not to FTR. Forget about it. The question is about going forward. But I do suspect that the next album will be more along the lines of HOB, instead of a progression of IWC. Or if we're lucky something along the lines of HCDR.

What's the word on sales for this album? Something tells me things aren't so good. Reviews on Amazon US are all positive, but have been very slow to come in and there are at this point still only 11. If sales didn't go as expected, I suspect Alexi might have to see the need to return to a more familiar formula. And of course there's the strange lack of US tours dates at this point.

I'm not saying Alexi should write another FTR. But it would be nice if he wrote something as memorable as it. Maybe that's raising the bar too high.
You guys fuck your sister, but I thought she looked better as a corpse. Radiation sickness. So sad. I guess that is what happens to terrorists trying to build nuclear bombs.
Anyways, I hear Anonymous is going to do your job for you now. Have to find that buyer. Pretty sure I have a solid guess. It goes through Ghana.
So, since when is it possible to get banned and create a new account with the same name just a few seconds later?

SPent more time for an album is always good but don't has to be in general. (Wintersun)
I don't know what they hell they were thinking when making this album. Blooddrunk was the last exciting album anyway. What they should do with their next album is make lead-oriented short, fast songs with atmospheric bridges between songs. Memorable music has always been emotions in sound format, no-one gives a fuck about generic noise and pointless notes. But I focus my creativity in my own art instead of worrying about them.

When a great name is created with a couple masterpieces, you can sell about 8-10 sequels with just the name, but eventually people start realizing it's not the same anymore and stop buying. Only reason people put up with these uninspiring last albums is because they come from the same source as the cult albums did back in the day. Well at least they haven't sold their name to a bunch of American faggots behind big money, haha.

But what is peculiar to watch is artists who don't understand themselves what was great about their art, they're too close to see it. Then they wanna do something different when they just invented the recipe for greatness, and then they start becoming shit. It's like F1 changing to shitty engines and shitty race tracks and wondering why there's no-one coming to the venues. It's okay if you want more overtaking and less fatalities in motor sport, but at what cost? It's okay if a band wants to change sound and style with each album, but at what cost? I go where the emotion is, and if I'm not sensing emotion but rather some superficial shit then I'm out to do something else.
You can'trust ban me anymore. Speaking of bain. Your hair is the color of a bad tan, Arcane! What did you do- perm and bleach in the same day? Rofl your hair looks like a clown wig!!!!
Oh shit, dude, now you'really getting arrested for doing dope and giving a bj in the Walmart parking lot! How low can she go?!??
But what is peculiar to watch is artists who don't understand themselves what was great about their art, they're too close to see it. Then they wanna do something different when they just invented the recipe for greatness, and then they start becoming shit. It's like F1 changing to shitty engines and shitty race tracks and wondering why there's no-one coming to the venues. It's okay if you want more overtaking and less fatalities in motor sport, but at what cost? It's okay if a band wants to change sound and style with each album, but at what cost? I go where the emotion is, and if I'm not sensing emotion but rather some superficial shit then I'm out to do something else.

Btw, we will participate on the european football championship! :kickass: Rune, you suck!:D Nah:) I'm not really into any kind of sports and sports radicalism, as well. Just sometimes play volleyball for hobby. I haven't even seen the match. But I'm really happy, that we could do it again after 44 years, I have never thought it will happens in my lifetime.:guh:
Bet, after this event your Ferrari-red RR would costs for me not 500 but min. 750€ :loco:
Ok. I will be nice. You can get a toner. Don'the color again. It will fall out. You want ash toner. And then you need clairol shimmer lights shampoo and conditioner. It will gradually remove the brass.
So, the album is out almost 8 weeks... here are my top 3 moments:

1. First bridge of Widdershins + first chorus

2. The part in Horns from 1:16 - 1:35

3. Chorus of Hold Your Tongue

Sadly there's nothing more where I could say: yes, that's awesome.