"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

...and if you read the newest interview in the Interviews topic, we will not really shout "that's awesome!" to a fresh Bodom song, any more.:(
I guess it's slowly going to end. 2-3 Years a last record,
a last tour and Alexi will found a Metalcore or a Glam Rock band which already happened.

The whole situation reminds me of a Interview with Matt Tuck from Bullet For My Valentine.
He said that soon Bullet will end because he has grown up and don't have this trong feelings anymore,
the hate, the aggression when he was younger. And I guess it's the same with Alexi and COB.
He has also grown up and, well, there is no teenager in Alexi anymore.
I noticed that a few times the last 1-2 years that there isn't any passion anymore in Alexi.
I'm not sure as Alexi said, they all found some new energy and passion (wasn't that one of the reasons Roope left)? A new guitarist in 2016, shit load of tours, ... I think - if Bodom will ever stop making music during the next 5 years - it's because of Alexi. Maybe the other guys will see how lame his playing and songwriting is, maybe because he want to leave to L.A., maybe because of his stupid hat... who knows
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"Grown up, no more strong feelings" ?

This just means being lost in the fog of trivial life and forgetting the emotions...

The anger... the longing... the sorrow... the depression... the terror... the beauty... the people who's idea of "growing up" is to forget all this, that's exactly the way you should not grow up. It's just their defence mechanism of realizing they've become nothing special since the youth days and are living hollow lives. Yes you should become more independent on others, but man, the world is full of anger, sorrow and beauty, and if you aren't in the mental frame to play that game, PLEASE FUCK OFF from music industry.
I'm sure there's some truth to that. The energy of youth is lost. The odd thing is that fans grow older too and yet don't manage to get over whatever musical phase they're stuck in and demand that the band also get stuck in a period. Not gonna happen. Unless we're talking about Cannibal Corpse, Bolt Thrower, or Obituary.

I don't think emotions are the only source of good music. You can be cerebral and come up with great music. But if all you want is atmosphere then I hear that young kids get all emotional and teary-eyed listening to black metal for some reason.

If IWC is some transitional album or experimental album, I can be on board with that. I get tired of high-pitched wankery and it looks like Alexi did too, which is why he chose to do cool stuff with lower notes. Perhaps he challenged himself, given that he must have small hands, he chose to do stuff that requires extending his fingers quite a bit.
I'm sure there's some truth to that. The energy of youth is lost. The odd thing is that fans grow older too and yet don't manage to get over whatever musical phase they're stuck in and demand that the band also get stuck in a period. Not gonna happen. Unless we're talking about Cannibal Corpse, Bolt Thrower, or Obituary.
Maybe if you are in the same age as the band you could move on with them. But I think lots of their today fans were kids, as I was, when they made their golden albums, so I, ESA, iPot maybe Arcane etc can't live trough a 36-37-year-old-guy's situation, because we are nearly as old as Alexi was when he wrote FTR-HCDR (ESA is, when he wrote SW:D), so yeah, we are in late :)
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It is a terrible album by their standards but I'm glad Alexi tried a different tuning instead of the mainly drop C stuff he was doing for countless albums. As someone said though- I wonder if Roope was let go because he said something about the music.
It is a terrible album by their standards but I'm glad Alexi tried a different tuning instead of the mainly drop C stuff he was doing for countless albums. As someone said though- I wonder if Roope was let go because he said something about the music.

I'd like to believe that he just decided to leave of his own accord. It's entirely possible that Roope didn't like the change to Drop B/ C standard. Or wanted to do more "high pitched wankery" but lets not forget that high pitched wankery made CoB as big as it is. IWC is good to me because it does try a lot of new things, a completely new outlook on vocals, some riffs are little more than spidering as much as god damn possible, and more repetition. Not all of these are good changes. He plays certain riffs too much, and too many of them not enough. Keys don't play as much of a role in all the songs. A lot less solos but Widdershins, Horns, and My Bodom have good solos. I Hurt should have had a solo considering how repetitive the song actually is. Everyone hates IWC the track but I like it, yeah its a hot mess but it is very Alexi and gets my blood pumping every time I always skip Prayer and go straight to this song from Horns.
His reasons for letting that melodic Yngwieish stuff go was that other bands did that a bit later too.
But that's a total childish reason, I thought he doesn't gave any "flying fucks".
1. There is no band on planet earth in existance that is able to do things like early Bodom,
that's why they are so special.
2. He's getting more and more generic and is ripping of bands like Lamb of God.
So his reasons for letting that melodic stuff go is even more stupid.

I guess the fucking drugs and alcohol destroyed his brain.

You can say what you want but music-wise compared to earlier records, IWC is their worst
album ever, even worse than RRF. RRF was just that Skater/Glam thing which he had to do once,
I expected this record, but IWC is nothing less then a really bad try to get those scene emo kiddies
and those flesh plugged basecap idiots in his fan base. And do you know why? Those hipsters are easier
to exchange than "real" fans. he doesn't want to get critics because those kiddies take everything they get.
The next record, if there will be one, is probably full of autotune vocals and Alexi hast some fleshplugs and short hair

And in his free time he tries to rip off Nicki Sixx.
That could happen! IWC is by far their worst album. CoB used to be different and as you say not alot of bands could do music that early Bodom did. I don't get how anyone could want to go away from that and start making ''sterile-americanized-clinicly-dead-metal'', the music on IWC is emotionless. When hearing the new music it's hard to believe it's the same band that created three masterpieces with SW, HB and FTR.

Either way, CoB isn't the only band out there thankfully. But equally there isn't a band as special and unique as early CoB.
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That could happen! IWC is by far their worst album. CoB used to be different and as you say not alot of bands could do music that early Bodom did. I don't get how anyone could want to go away from that and start making ''sterile-americanized-clinicly-dead-metal'', the music on IWC is emotionless. When hearing the new music it's hard to believe it's the same band that created three masterpieces with SW, HB and FTR.

Either way, CoB isn't the only band out there thankfully. But equally there isn't a band as special and unique as early CoB.
Aren't blank avatars the best looking fucking thing ever, guys? Ugh
Courtesy of random utube posters, the song sounds good and moreover - it sounds like an actual COB song at 1.25x speed (available as an option for html5 player)
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Tired of those sucky Bodom videos. Why they let the same person do them when she clearly has no mature creativity?

Couldn't find the Morrigan fast version, but some Bodom tracks sound nice sped up...

With Blooddrunk they were already fading away compared to their masterpieces (in my opinion their downfall started with HCDR which must've been a really disappointing change of style) but Blooddrunk still had passion, it's really on a different level compared to the three albums that came since.
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Tired of those sucky Bodom videos. Why they let the same person do them when she clearly has no mature creativity?

Can't listen to Morrigan fast version, but some Bodom tracks sound nice sped up...

With Blooddrunk they were already fading away compared to their masterpieces (in my opinion their downfall started with HCDR which must've been a really disappointing change of style) but that album still had the passion, it's really on a different level compared to the three albums that came since.

Many songs sound good when sped up. Adds to the energy. They just often become impossible to play :D
Children of Decadence would be pretty insane sped up, but they don't even play that shit live anymore and every live video of it i've found is pretty bad.