"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

I Hurt - Love the intro riff and the chorus has grown on me. Also, the lead part before the last chorus is sick and I love the drum building in the last chorus.

My Bodom - It's so horrible, which is sad cuz the buildup and the chorus are so good, but I cannot listen to that main riff.

Morrigan - I probably haven't listened to it in a month, lost appeal really quick. The mid tempo drags on but the chorus, solo, and keyboard part after second solo are good.

Horns - HORNS MOTHERFUCKERS!! Possibly my favorite song on the album, awesome solos to fit the song and love the blast beat parts and ending. Powerful.

Prayer For The Afflicted - It's alright, not much to it, not much memorable. A bit too slow.

I Worship Chaos - When it came out, I can't explain how disappointing of a song this was. It's grown on me though and actually fits in well with the album so I like it a bit more now.

Hold Your Tongue - Alexi was right saying "It's a fucking rock n' roll song" Pretty cool, nothing special.

Suicide Bomber - Tied with Horns for the favorite. Badass song, very dark. This song goes absolutely perfect with the background, love it. This and Horns are the stuff I look for in Bodom.

All For Nothing - Damn. Now this is different for Bodom. I really like the piano, and the part that's been in previews before has tons of emotion in it, and the ending solos are cool but I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

Widdershins - It's so good but dammit that outro. The chugging in the previews was bad but that painful scratch is just too much. I mean it's cool that it ties into the beginning of I Hurt but it actually hurts a bit listening to that. Other than that the song is great, love everything about it, good closing track to go out on a strong note.

This is all on a first listen, and the others had to grow on me for me to really enjoy them, but for now I give it a 7 or 8/10. I like the direction they went with this album, great to see something different from these guys and it sounds like they're back on the right track again.
prayer for the afflicted is so good. great solo too. the slow songs kill on this album. the rest of album has it's moments but a little inconsistent just like the past few bodom albums. imagine how good horns could have been if they committed to the atmosphere and vibe of the intro blastbeat part for the whole song. it's still pretty decent though.
Glad to hear you are a liking it (well some of you at least) :D

I think I will just wait till Friday and buy a copy at a store
im really liking most of them quite a bit. will see if im still listening to them in a month.
hold your tongue is pretty awesome imo, and i think its gonna be super fun to play on guitar.

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My Bodom has such a sweet build up to the chorus. That orchestra hit is perfect. The melody before the solos is awesome. The last minute is killer. Fucking love it.

But man is it so different from old Bodom.

There's no fucking intro, and its weird. The only problem with this song is there is no intro, and melodic lube, it just fucks you for 4 minutes and 20 seconds dry and thrashy aside from the solo's.
Widderhins got taken down, before I could listen to it, but the rest did not impress me that much, besides Horns, which is an amazing track in my opinion.
blahblah Suck it haters.
blahblah Quit bitching
:lol: dude what's your problem, you love it others don't simple as that. Like I thoroughly enjoy the album so far but those who don't only deserve condolence not mocking
My Bodom has to be the worst COB song ever made. New dimension of sucking for them. Chorus is ok, otherwise it's like the worst In Flames song ever and even starts from verse. What the hell, guys? Should've just used the chorus and solo somewhere else and deleted the rest of the material.

Rest of review coming later today. Have some good things to say, too, and haven't heard the last two songs yet.
Speaking of In Flames influences, that Widdershins intro is 100% Jester Race :kickass:
It kinda feels like they just threw riffs together at times, and at some points they could've followed with a much more kickass progression yet they halt and go back to simple/1 guitar riff/transitions (e.g. Horns 2:07), which is sometimes frustrating. Also weird, it sounds a lot better on the 2nd listen.

Not the biggest fan of the "hidden" solos, under the vocals or whatever.

At least the whole record ends up with Black Winter Day that it is indeed a great song, with no flaws at all :)

I find it to be the worst of all 3 covers tbh.
Horns is technically a solid track, but lacks memorability. Intro is Hypocrisy-like. Charming in technicality, but as said, no memorable melody or riff.

Prayer for the Afflicted intro is like Type O Negative's Christian Woman, a song I posted here over a year ago. Whispers and all. Best melody on the album. Ending song for tours?

Hold Your Tongue, nice chorus, it's a rock song. But this is not a starting rock band.

All for Nothing - "Can't believe it's come to this." Hidden message in lyrics. :(

Widdershins - "At least we tried." Hidden message in lyrics. :(

Many personal love rock songs on this album. Needs to get back to making epic death metal. Alexi's too happy these days!

Seriously... My Bodom... what the hell?? It's utter shit. Shocking. The chorus should be an outro to some other song.

There are some good moments on this album, but in Bodom standards it's too slow (I peel bananas faster than the music), too rock'ish and the color of the sound is wrong. Alexi seems to be in love with rock music now.
Gonna wait for the album to drop down my mailbox. So far I've heard Morrigan which is OK, and iHurt which is shit and sounds like a song they have made a few times already. I'm really getting sick of the ''packa packa'' drumming.
I'm getting some mixed feelings, some of you say it's a great album, but what worries me is that Joonas doesn't seem too pleased and I generally agree with him.

Shit, I was getting my hopes ut but now I'm carefully optimistic while expecting a disapointment. Oh well, I guess I will see on Friday.
I'm glad i didn't end up pre-ordering. After few listens this like RRF will be put aside and never listened again. Since when CoB is being compared to other bands? Shows how dull CoB has become. I have to admit Halo of Blood restored some hope but... Highlight of the album - Prayer for the Afflicted every other song put whatever name on it they sound the same. Hold Your Tonge - straight from RRF. All for Nothing - i liked the idea but execution wasn't there, cool outro though!
I can't wait to listen to the album and complain about it! Although to be fair, it seems opinions are divided and the second half of the album looks to be much better.
Actually I don't know. I turned around on Morrigan and actually like the song now (still too long though), and really like Suicide Bomber so at the moment I am 2 out of 4 and I decide to forget the samples I heard. It may not be the best album they made, but I don't think it will be their worst either. Something I wouldn't have thought I'd say even two weeks ago.

I could be proven wrong or right. I'd know if only my internet decided to not be extremely slow today for some reason.
Gonna wait for the album to drop down my mailbox. So far I've heard Morrigan which is OK, and iHurt which is shit and sounds like a song they have made a few times already. I'm really getting sick of the ''packa packa'' drumming.
I'm getting some mixed feelings, some of you say it's a great album, but what worries me is that Joonas doesn't seem too pleased and I generally agree with him.

Shit, I was getting my hopes ut but now I'm carefully optimistic while expecting a disapointment. Oh well, I guess I will see on Friday.

Prayer for the Afflicted is a very melodic and honestly good song. All for Nothing has some very atmospheric stuff and, alongside PftA, is IMO the best song on the album (It's also highly melodic, like a better version of DMHoY) The rest of the album is melodic-ish thrash metal with screaming vocals. My Bodom and Suicide Bomber are the two best thrash songs on the album IMO.

These are still based on my first expressions though so things may change, but you get the picture.

Morrigan is actually somewhat a strange song on the album. Far less thrashy than most, but not near as melodic as Prayer or Nothing. Overall perhaps better than the average on IWC.

Horns is again pure thrash. It has one part that reminds me of I Waste of Skin's chorus or pre-chorus.

The intro in Prayer actually reminds me of Highway to Hell's (I think) intro. :D There's also some similarities to the harmony part in ADK where there's only two leads, no rhythms. Really good song, best on the album probably. All for Nothing is its closest contender.