"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

That's exactly it. It's their longest album, but the songs feel shorter than ever, because they have less musical material. I already lost any and all interest to I Hurt and IWC. Even Morrigan has only a couple sections I still like, and Suicide Bomber the same. They said it's gonna be dark and atmospheric, but only songs 3, 5, 8 are somewhat so. Well, it's not gonna be an album to worship, but we may still like it and get some kicks off it, maybe there's a good song or two still unheard. But it gets boring pretty quick when the songs are more about hammering noise than emotional leads and creative formulas. I come from a place where I have more interesting things to do than listen to barking vocals over average thrash. I said it a million times, it has to be made more lead-melody oriented, more dark and more atmospheric, but they went the wrong way taking influences from Lamb of God or whatever.

i don't know what to tell you if you don't think suicide bomber and morrigan aren't atmosphere

stop thinking about FTR all the fucking time. widdershins could be on FTR
Arcane, should you put up another Song Survivor? There's more people here now than during the release of Halo I think, so it might get through this time, especially if you do it now that people haven't yet faded away. The IWC vote won't be up for weeks anyway.
I like My Bodom. Nothing amazing, but still a good song. Somewhat similar to Suicide Bomber. Has a real long solo.

Horns is similar except it lacks a memorable chorus. Not a single melody in the entire song IIRC.

Prayer for the Afflicted is very good. Best one on the album so far. The chorus is epic and the verses are great too.

Hold Your Tongue reminds me of IYF quite a bit. I like IYF a bit better.
They are all amazing !! I just finished listening to all the new songs, now I'm starting from the beginning until the end and this is pure awesomeess. There is absolutly no flaw for me in this record....
They are all amazing !! I just finished listening to all the new songs, now I'm starting from the beginning until the end and this is pure awesomeess. There is absolutly no flaw for me in this record....

only flaw is that some songs missing solo's. really no idea why that was done but this truly is a very solid album
I must say that I just finished My Bodom and it surprised me so great!

Wow, that middle part is just unexpected.
Yeah. After Halo Of Blood I had so high expectations. BD and RFF were good but a bit lower standards than what they are actually capable of. And then came out HoB which was truly awesome. So I guess the real challenge for them was to not disappoint the fans after such a great record. And they just did it... They just did even better.
*fanboy mode on* I am charmed, I am in love. This is the new anthem of my life for the 2 years to come. And no way I'm gonna get tired of those songs XD *fanboy mode off*
all for nothing has epic parts but whispering and piano does not suit bodom. straight up.