I would really like to see...


New Metal Member
Oct 8, 2004
I would really like to see Children Of Bodom tour with Iron Maiden... that would be so awesome
:OMG: :rock:
They could probably get shows with Maiden if they tried... they should try too, Maiden is touring in 2005...
Pretty nice idea, but I could never see it happening.

It would make a really great tour aswell, having such talented guitarists. I've often thought of Iron Maiden, Yngwie Malmsteen, COB on tour. How amazing that would be.

But unfortunatly Iron Maiden would rather tour with Funeral For A Friend. *sigh*
Arch Enemy opened for Maiden in New York. Let's not be so cynical(in regards to the Funeral for a Friend comment). AE are similar to CoB(at least in the eyes of the average Power Metal head that goes to a Maiden show). I thought the contrast between the screams of Angela and the range of Bruce was awesome. Alexi and Bruce together?!?!!? Awwww mannnnnnn
BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:
Arch Enemy opened for Maiden in New York. Let's not be so cynical(in regards to the Funeral for a Friend comment). AE are similar to CoB(at least in the eyes of the average Power Metal head that goes to a Maiden show). I thought the contrast between the screams of Angela and the range of Bruce was awesome. Alexi and Bruce together?!?!!? Awwww mannnnnnn
But Maiden a lot of the people that like Maiden might not like Bodom.
Bodom would get a really bad wrap. I wouldnt do it if i were them. Maiden fans would like boo them offstage.
TheHateCrew said:
I would really like to see Children Of Bodom tour with Iron Maiden... that would be so awesome
:OMG: :rock:
They could probably get shows with Maiden if they tried... they should try too, Maiden is touring in 2005...
yeah i agree i think that would be awesome if Iron Maiden were to open up COB imagine that oh this abigal by the way. :rock: :rock: :worship:
And then they would REALLY deserve to die :loco:
Sorry, I'm not a big maiden fan...But Yngwie & CoB hmmmm.....I like it. I like it a lot!
Far Beyond the Shadows 25 mins 4 way battle between Yngwie, Alexi, Roope & Janne