Ibanez rg1570 vs. rg321

Depends on what you're looking for I suppose. I'd get the 421 before the 321 though if you can find the 421; it's a discontinued model but it's been available in various closeout sales for cheap (I have one and like it) = not much more than the 321. It's supposedly better built and probably has better pickups. Like the 321 (?) it's a string-through, hardtail model.
nice UM name, JColtrane ;) Coltrane was a badass jazz musician. gotta love his work... speaking of that, I play some of Coltrane's stuff in my school jazz band (on my Ibanez RG321 --- coincidence?). the 1570 vs. the 321 huh... hmm... the 321 has ok jazzy tones with the neck pickup, but I don't know about the 1570 as I haven't played it. personally, I wouldn't shell out the extra unless you want a fancier-sounding guitar model. It has 4 digits, so should sound better than one with 3 digits. I reallyt don't know, but I'm happy with my 321.