IbanezTS9 owner? plz help me!

Eventho they images are are separate from eachother, you can clearly see that they arent being equal. The MT-2 for example has a lot more of the bright color (emphasis) in the 500-3000hz range, when your simulation has a lot more emphasis on the 0-200hz range and some harmonic distortion from 3kzh forward. So without hearing audioclips and judging from just those images, I would say they sound different.
you can say what you whant man.
you show us TSS like the best ever ts9 simulation.

so GO AND COMPARE real ts9 with TSS and then return here and tell me if mine is better.
i have done this and the fft of the TSS if fuking ridicoulus compared to the real ts9. is totally different.
if you have something like mathlab, for comparing results, you can see that my fft is 91,3% similar to real ts9's fft.

compare my simulation with tss.

i'm here not for spamming "bla bla" with you but for work.
you are here ONLY for flamming me, i don't undestand why.
Chill the hell out man :lol: No one was flamming you - he was just posting his thoughts based off your images. I agree with what he says though. Even based off your images - the emphasis is totally different.

I'm more the happy to compare your plug to TSS and a real TS9 - but for what TSS does (and it being 100% free) - there is hardly any need to knock it. Unless you can provide something leaps and bounds better for the same price (free) - I can't see anyone taking the time to make the switch.
Chill the hell out man :lol: No one was flamming you - he was just posting his thoughts based off your images. I agree with what he says though. Even based off your images - the emphasis is totally different.

I'm more the happy to compare your plug to TSS and a real TS9 - but for what TSS does (and it being 100% free) - there is hardly any need to knock it. Unless you can provide something leaps and bounds better for the same price (free) - I can't see anyone taking the time to make the switch.
mmmm.. i don't know.. since the first post he seems to attack me without reasons..
and i really don't undestand why.. i come here for recieving some support.. not for chatting with flammers..

ps: man is not a commercial vst.. =)
i'm not selling ANYTHING.. =)
if i'll give it to 3rd parts it will be for free.. =)
you are here ONLY for flamming me, i don't undestand why.

Nope, flaming is insulting someone without a reason, I have explained throughly why I have said everything. And its pretty hard to compare your simulation vs TSS vs TS9 at the moment when you have not given us the dry DI-tracks and your tracks as audio comparison. I don't really care how similiar the fft response pictures are if they sound different.

The way you have phrased your messages has given me an expression that this project will be something beyond just college program after you graduate or something that even won't be published, and especially these three messages were pointing torwards that:

1) it's a project for a degree exam.. =) nothing commercial.. just hard programming.. =)
2) what do you WANT from a guitar processor that in othes software SUCKS A LOT? i'm developing by simulating the REAL pedal filter and freq response some pedals
3) if i'll give it to 3rd parts it will be for free.. =)

We want clips :Smokin:
Nope, flaming is insulting someone without a reason, I have explained throughly why I have said everything. And its pretty hard to compare your simulation vs TSS vs TS9 at the moment when you have not given us the dry DI-tracks and your tracks as audio comparison. I don't really care how similiar the fft response pictures are if they sound different.

The way you have phrased your messages has given me an expression that this project will be something beyond just college program after you graduate, and especially these two messages were pointing torwards that:

1) it's a project for a degree exam.. =) nothing commercial.. just hard programming.. =)
2) what do you WANT from a guitar processor that in othes software SUCKS A LOT? i'm developing by simulating the REAL pedal filter and freq response some pedals
3) if i'll give it to 3rd parts it will be for free.. =)

We want clips :Smokin:
mmmm.. the way you use to answer me is quite "flamming" for me..
perhaps i misundestood you.. is possible.. we are human.. we are MADE to make errors..

so, if i misundestood you, excuse me.

i tell you for the last time that my proj is not for commercial porpose.

and i can't give you the clip i used for reamps (that Zool2107 done for me), couse is a clip of a song of mine i can't give out now.
at the moment i have those two fft to show.. when i'll complete my work i'll post here some vst extracted from the entire proj..
at the time i can't do anything more than this.. sorry..

ps: i'm not sure on giving the proj away.. so is not sure that i would divulgate the research. it may be ONLY on my huniversity server. IF we decide to give it away WE'LL do it FOR FREE. IF WE..
and for your listening pleasure, I did some comparison with Ibanez TS9, BTE TSS and Guitarsuite Tubescreamer with same settings: everyhing at max. The first one is the dry track, the rest are the clips in random order

ahaha! XD
here the fft!

look at the difference man!! plus 1000hz of emphasis difference!!!

here another comparrison of original ts9 and my vst:

blue line is my vst, red line is the original pedal.. =)
i have plus 3db at -36db on 0/180hz.. but.. the rest is...........
ahaha! XD
here the fft!
look at the difference man!! plus 1000hz of emphasis difference!!!

The tracks were dry, tss, guitar suite and ts9. When I layed down the TSS over the TS9 graph, the difference was pretty cosmetic and mainly due to volume difference and the noisefloor from the TS9, so I would call that pretty valid emulation, because all hardware units sound slightly different and the plugin wasn't emulated from this particular unit. But as we can see, the Guitarsuite tubescreamer emulation sucks and isn't even relatively close.

The tracks were dry, tss, guitar suite and ts9. When I layed down the TSS over the TS9 graph, the difference was pretty cosmetic and mainly due to volume difference and the noisefloor from the TS9. But as we can see, the Guitarsuite tubescreamer emulation sucks

yup, Guitarsuite tubescreamer emulation sucks.. and tss is different from real ts9.. =)

true.. =)

man can i ask you what you whant to demonstrate? =)
i can't undestand what's the matter for with me..
I edited the picture so you can see what I meant
i undestood the picture i have done.. =)
i work with fft.. i know how to red ones.. =)

man.. really.. close here this discussion.. i was wrong on thinking that i coud find some support and help here..
so, bye and tks to Zool2107.. =)

Hahahahaha This must be a language barrier thing. :lol:
you are perfectly right..
my english SUCKS!

but try to undestand me..

i'm here for whole the day triing to demonstrate i don't know what to i don't know who for i don't know which reason..

ma... LOL.. :lol:

i was searching for some help.. i was wrong.. that's all..
I'm not sure what "help" you are even looking for? You are posting pics that don't tell the whole story - refuse to post any audio clips - and then get defensive at any resemblance of non interest in your plug.

Like I said, I'm all for HEARING it - cause pictures don't really matter to me in the end.
If you'll give away the software (don't worry about hosting or anything like that, as long as its free someone will host it) I'll help in any way I can. I'm not around my recording stuff right now, but I can put my TS7 back into TS9 specs and do clips for you sometime next week.

If you'll give away the software (don't worry about hosting or anything like that, as long as its free someone will host it) I'll help in any way I can. I'm not around my recording stuff right now, but I can put my TS7 back into TS9 specs and do clips for you sometime next week.

oh, really tks! =)
all done for ts9! =)

i don't need any other reamp.. =)

tks a lot! =)