Icarus Witch - Draw Down The Moon


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I was skeptical about this one after reading some lukewarm reviews of this disc.

I picked it up @ the IW / Di'Anno show last week.

At first, I was rather "meh" to it overall.

I have listened to it about 4 times in total, and it is quite the grower.

It doesn't have tracks like "Out For Blood" off the last one that grab you instantly.

Some standout tracks for me are, "Dying Eyes", "Draw Down the Moon" and "Black Candles"

I REALLY wish bands would stop with the cover songs.
Their cover of THE RIPPER is so-so.
The only cool part is in the intro with how they did an operatic background vocal for "In for a shock"
I was skeptical about this one after reading some lukewarm reviews of this disc.

I picked it up @ the IW / Di'Anno show last week.

At first, I was rather "meh" to it overall.

I have listened to it about 4 times in total, and it is quite the grower.

It doesn't have tracks like "Out For Blood" off the last one that grab you instantly.

Some standout tracks for me are, "Dying Eyes", "Draw Down the Moon" and "Black Candles"

I REALLY wish bands would stop with the cover songs.
Their cover of THE RIPPER is so-so.
The only cool part is in the intro with how they did an operatic background vocal for "In for a shock"

Weird. I actually liked it at first quite a bit. I may even like it more than their others. What I like about this band unlike many others though is they don't feel compelled to have a huge running time in terms of the amount of songs. They simply cut 10 or less tracks and call it a day.

As for THE RIPPER cover...I actually liked it and I'm really bias when it comes to anyone covering Priest. Is it better than the original? HELL NO! But it was different and that's what I like in a cover. Also, Icarus has been known for doing a handful of coves and as long as they only have one, I have no problem.

Yeah, I dunno, there is just something about covering such a well known tune that it comes off usually as, "Yeah, that's great" On the flipside, I love their Def Leppard cover as it is not a tune that even DL fans have heard a zillion times...
Thus far I gotta say it's definitely my least favorite of the three. Not sure why but it just doesn't do much for me. I was in the odd group of people who preferred "Songs" over the debut.
The more I hear Draw Down the Moon, the more I like it. It may end up becoming my favorite, and I loved Songs for the Lost. As to the cover of The Ripper, I think they did that one earlier for a tribute album and stuck it here as a bonus. It's not bad, but they can do better.
I've sampled this one and I really didn't care for what I heard. Songs For The Lost was such a great album, I think I was expecting something that good. From the samples I heard, it just sounded flat. Maybe I'll change my mind once I hear the entire thing.

Their debut EP was great, but "Capture the Magic" was an average album. "Songs for the lost" was better, but nothing special compared to other albums from new heavy metal bands. I don't have any interest for their new one this time.