Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno


Oct 10, 2001
Just watched this song on the "Alive in athens" dvd. This epic is really up there with the other classic epic heavy metal songs like "Rime of the ancient mariner" and "The keeper of the seven keys".

What are your hopes for the next Iced Earth album? I think it's gonna be the continuation of the "Something wicked" saga.

Schaffer sure knows how to write great epics. Gettysburg from The glorious burden is also a superb achievement in songwriting.
if he stops being lazy with his song structures and start being creative again like he was in the NotSR, S/T and BO era and uses new riffs then maybe it'll be good. Tim Owens better improve his singing too. He sounds like an average power metal singer.
Schaffer's been bogged down with the "rehashed riffs" stigmata since....forever basically. I thought TGB was pretty damn awesome, so Im sure the next one will be great.
i didnt really like the glorious burden very much. the band has changed so much since barlow left i hope the new album is more like the older iced earth. and owens is definatly a very good singer im just not sure if he is the right singer for iced earth
Thats what I have heard just about everywere. I heard something about Scahffer trying to screw his record label or something.
so Schaffer bashing it was pretty much pointless?
Put it this way, it's understandable why he's unhappy with it. The DVD that he wants to do is a 16 camera shoot. This was 3. Even at that, the video quality isn't on par with what I've seen on (for example) the Amon Amarth DVD. However, from the perspective of an Iced Earth fan, especially a Barlow fan, this disc is priceless.
