Iced Earth - Dystopia

I don't understand Jon going on about how they couldn't do Dante's Inferno live in the past. They did it on AiA, and it sounded fine. Or am I missing something?
That came outta nowhere! Holy fuck that sounded great! :kickass:

Here's the first of 5 "Making of Dystopia" videos:
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I don't understand Jon going on about how they couldn't do Dante's Inferno live in the past. They did it on AiA, and it sounded fine. Or am I missing something?

I think they never played it live because they needed an extra keyboard player for this song... and they only had one for the special shows they did and recorded in Athens.
I'd like to hear more music in those making-of-videos. :D

So would I... So would I. :D

By the by - I think a lot of people will have a hard time believing this is the very same Stu Block that sung on Into Eternity's last two albums. He sounds NOTHING here like he did on them. When Jon said they opened up a new part of Stu's voice he wasn't shitting!
Yeah, that's more like it... finally some music to hear as well. Definitely my expectations are getting higher. Especially as Anthem is such a good song. Days of Rage is ok too, but not quite as good. Back to the vid: those screams in Dark City are nice, though they sound much like the Ripper's screams...

However, I'm curious. :)
Definitely gets my attention. But I find it kind of amusing that at times the vocals sound like both Matt and Ripper...hmmmm? Stu may have the goods. But sometimes you just need to try new towels...pick a different flavor...test drive a different vehicle. I'm sure it'll work in the end.
try new towels...pick a different flavor...test drive a different vehicle...

That is of course, if Jon allows him to. Stu's basically under Jon's thumb now but I hope their chemistry and Stu's commitment will last a very long time. Iced Earth needs this now more than ever. :D
That is of course, if Jon allows him to. Stu's basically under Jon's thumb now but I hope their chemistry and Stu's commitment will last a very long time. Iced Earth needs this now more than ever. :D


Though, I meant more big picture going into it...with Jon maybe finding a singer that has a different style than what he has used in the past. Kinda like what Pyramaze did bringing in Matt after Lance...and not someone who was just like Lance so to speak. I get there is alot more that goes into finding / choosing the right singer than appears on the surface. I'm sure IE with Stu will be just fine.

iTunes has samples of Dystopia up now!
Haha, nice couple on the pic above. :D

Check that one out:
the opening track of the new album

I could have sworn that the Stu-era would start with a high pitched scream that lasts for 15 minutes. :D

I'm glad I was disappointed this time though!!!

After the first spin I liked that song, now - after the 4th spin - I can't get enough of it... Thorns, I guess you'r right, we're in for a great album.

Yeeeaaap yep yep there was never a doubt in my mind that Stucifer would be the perfect voice for Iced Earth. :D

In all seriousness though, that wasn't far from what I thought when I heard the news that he was joining.

Thank you Jon for not letting us down, and thank you Stu for being the new voice for Iced fucking Earth!!!:kickass::notworthy
Haha, nice couple on the pic above. :D

Check that one out:
the opening track of the new album

I could have sworn that the Stu-era would start with a high pitched scream that lasts for 15 minutes. :D

I'm glad I was disappointed this time though!!!

After the first spin I liked that song, now - after the 4th spin - I can't get enough of it... Thorns, I guess you'r right, we're in for a great album.


Hah hah, just got my promo copy. You guys have no idea how sick this album is. I would be shocked if any of you guys are disappointed.
I would be shocked if any of you guys are disappointed.

Doesn't seem likely, chief. Alas I can't speak for the ignorant drones that haven't (YET!) accepted Stu as the new singer. It's great he had so much freedom to co-write most of the songs and I look forward to hearing the result. :yell: