Iced Earth or Nevermore

Iced Earth or Nevermore? is one better than the other?

  • Iced Earth

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • Nevermore

    Votes: 15 48.4%
  • I think both of them are terrific i can't choose one

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • I think both of them sucks!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 10, 2001
Santiago de Chile
Here in Chile the maximum rock/metal page-zine makes a poll where put what's the best metal band that's gonna take the throne of metal, and what you like the best

1. Iced Earth

2. Nevermore

I think they forgot two options

3. I think both of them are fantastic

4. I think thta both of them sucks!! (which I don't think anyone vote this but who knows)
huh, I've never heard much of Iced Earth, but I love Nevermore. The couple songs by Iced Earth I've heard on comps were horrid. I think Nevermore is one of the few powermetal bands that I actually like. But Jag Panzer's new disc is pretty good too.
The choice is somewhat more than obvious. Where IE move to ways of copying Metallica and Maiden, NEVERMORE write bonecrushing tunes in a manner so "metallicaly" traditional, yet so completely new sounding, so complex yet so close to the listener...
Man NEVERMORE rule and there is noone out there right now to claim their throne; a throne they dared to claim from (and very worthy obtained) the grand Queensryche.
Whereas IE play power metal with only touches here and there, NEVERMORE don't play power, progressive, doom, death, classic, speed, thrash or whatever else metal. They play "NEVERMORE METAL".

Please don't post so easy-to-vote polls again.
Originally posted by Total Jock
I think Nevermore is one of the few powermetal bands that I actually like. But Jag Panzer's new disc is pretty good too.
Powermetal? Well it is powerfull, no doubt. But it is not power metal. Even though I love power metal (especially coming from the US) NEVERMORE is way beyond typical Power Metal. But I guess it is all a way of perception about the definition of the terms which consist each label of metal. Power metal it is if like it that way, but not for me.
BTW Jag Panzer's new album is indeed totally cool. I mean it kicks ass!!:rock:
yeah, I agree with metalcrypt, these bands are to different to compare... so my vote was ofcourse both!
I have ben listening to Iced Earth for quite some time(one of the first metal bands I started listening to) so Iced Earth is kinda special to me.. but Nevermore is great to so... both :)
they're both awesome, but Nevermore definitely wins. Maybe it should be Nevermore vs. Forbidden, now that would be a really tough choice, and the 2 bands are more similar in style. I really think Nevermore is more an extension of Forbidden than Sanctuary, in terms of style. Listen to "Twisted Into Form" and "Disortion" by Forbidden and follow it up with "Politics of Ecstasy", "Dreaming Neon Black", and "Dead Heart in a Dead World" by Nevemore and you'll hear the progression I speak of. The s/t debut from Nevermore extended the Sanctuary sound, but after that their sound more acurately extended Forbidden's. I personally welcomed the more Forbidden-esque style because they were my favorite band. Now I can't decide between the two.
Iced Earth..........NOT hahaha

I voted NEVERMORE! Great stuff and not POWER METAL

Metalized>>>>Jag Panzer Mechanical Warfare.......TOP SHELF DUDE! Good stuff!