Iced Earth pic and cover


Apr 14, 2001

Heres a pic of the band now (larry cut his hair!! Oh my cant play metal without hair, just ask metallica! Oh waitasec...kerry from slayer can argue for the affirmative there, i withdraw my statement :) )
Also right at the bottom is a pic of the new albums cover, its a small pic but its a great cover (as usual!)
I asked utopia today and they said they will be getting the album in june sometime and considering it comes out on the 25th of june thats pretty quick, so it seems like we WONT have to wait 2 months for it to get here!
That is one terrific cover! I like it even more than Something Wicked. Even without all you lot introducing me to IE, I might still have bought their albums after seeing the artwork.

Re: Larry's hair. Is it just me, or is he trying to look like Randall Shawver? Compare that pic with the one inside Dark Saga and you'll see what I mean.

Originally posted by Wrathchild
That is one terrific cover! I like it even more than Something Wicked. Even without all you lot introducing me to IE, I might still have bought their albums after seeing the artwork.

Re: Larry's hair. Is it just me, or is he trying to look like Randall Shawver? Compare that pic with the one inside Dark Saga and you'll see what I mean.


I know what you mean! He looks WAY younger though (probably cos he is...derr spawny...)