Iced Earth Preview

Like I have stated many times before, I am one of those who actually enjoyed Framing Armegeddon to an extent. The thing is that I can easily see why so many people didn't like it, it was definately different than the albums that came out pre Glorious Burden (btw I absolutely hated GB). Basically, I do not believe that Jon's songwriting has gone down the drain; rather, it is just that I think his style of writing has turned a little bit more progressive. Maybe he got tired of chugging out the same bass heavy, fast tempo, "in your face" types of songs. FA is not only a little more progressive, it is also much more melodic than older IE material.

Don't get me wrong, I (and I am sure Jon too) really love the classic heavy, fast, up tempo IE stuff; however, over many long years people do change, and I feel that Jon wanted to try something a little different than what he had always done before. I also think that part of him changing had a lot to do with writing material which suited Owen's vocals, which I feel fit better with a more melodic style (which is what FA was). With Barlow back I think Jon may start to ween back a little more to his older style; however, don't expect another Night of the Stormrider or Burnt Offerings. I think because Barlow is back and that the second part of the Something Wicked concept is mostly about "destruction", you can expect an album that is not quite as melodic as FA. Even so, I do expect that some progressive elements will still be present in the second part because this concept is one that Jon is so passionate about that he wanted to make it detailed and stand out more than the others. But even more so I think Jon has become more interested in trying new things out in his songwriting.

Agreed, but also: The first riff of the title track Framing Armeggedon, that is so typical chuggy Iced Earth.
Zach...I got Night of the Stormrider from iTunes last night. Upon the first few listens, I'm like..."meh". Nothing really memorable. An interesting mix of thrash and classic metal, but Greeley can sing and isn't given the opportunity for most of the album...he's just doing that tired old half talk/half sing thrash thing. The guitar solos are horrible. It's ok, just nothing too exciting...maybe my opinion wil change upon further listening.
Well that's one thing about Iced Earth... their not a band who's solos are worth a damn. If there's a good "solo", it's usually just an embelleshed melody.

Also, the song "Stormrider" (track 2) is Jon singing the majority of it, and for what reasons I do not know.
Well that's one thing about Iced Earth... their not a band who's solos are worth a damn. If there's a good "solo", it's usually just an embelleshed melody.

Also, the song "Stormrider" (track 2) is Jon singing the majority of it, and for what reasons I do not know.

When he actually sings, it's good. The songs aren't's just a lot of the same. It's an ok album...maybe it takes some warming up to.

I'm not sure about going for Burnt Offerings at this point...maybe I'll like that better.
I only watched the first half of the video, but I find it pretty funny that when comparing singers, they choose 2 songs that are completely different and require a different vocal approach regardless.

That being said, I find Barlow's vocals to be quite weird sounding... kind of awkward, but not too bad.

Ripper's vocals are okay if you're into that higher pitched, straight out metal voice.

I don't know much about Iced Earth, but from what I've heard so far, it definitely sounds really basic and non-creative, and therefore, boring, IMO.
Yeah, they're comparing two different versions of the same song. Though the song was re-recorded to fit Ripper better.
So far I'm liking where they're going.

The only thing that bothers me about Iced Earth is that it doesn't seem there's as much musical depth in their songs as there once was (Horror Show being the last to carry this depth). I Walk Alone reminds me of something that could have been off of Burnt Offerings, though almost too straightforward and simple to have fit in.

Matt Barlow finally being back is awesome. The Ripper is a great vocalist, but just isn't for Iced Earth.
Agreed, but also: The first riff of the title track Framing Armeggedon, that is so typical chuggy Iced Earth.

Yeah, the title track of FA was definately a more classic style IE tune, which is why I mentioned before that I hope it gets redone with Matt's vocals. I can only imagine how badass it would sound with Matt....
Well that's one thing about Iced Earth... their not a band who's solos are worth a damn. If there's a good "solo", it's usually just an embelleshed melody.

Also, the song "Stormrider" (track 2) is Jon singing the majority of it, and for what reasons I do not know.

Yo Zach...I'm actually warming up to it upon repeated listening.:)
Yeah, they're comparing two different versions of the same song. Though the song was re-recorded to fit Ripper better.

Okay, that makes sense. (Not sarcasm). This leads me to believe, however, that Ripper only has one singing style, since he required the song to be completely changed for him to fit in. I could be wrong because I am not familar with him at all... just saying.

Post 500, yay!
Okay, that makes sense. (Not sarcasm). This leads me to believe, however, that Ripper only has one singing style, since he required the song to be completely changed for him to fit in. I could be wrong because I am not familar with him at all... just saying.

Post 500, yay!

You could certainly argue that. Though I still think it sounds better, and suits the lyrics better.
The new song is kinda bland...but I like how Matt sounds on The Clouding, especially the first half.

And I really like the 2nd Demons & Wizards filler for me, but could've used another asskicker or two :)
The Clouding was one of my favorite songs on the last album, and I have listened to like 2 minutes of the Barlow version and I already like his vocals and the new version way more.