Iced Earth

As you know Steve, i'll be there along with Nick and Dave from the band. Still haven't heard Glorious Burden yet but have heard good reports. I was talking to the guys about a conversation i had with Matt Barlow (ooh serious name drop :Smug: ) about 4 years ago (roughly) at Wacken and he told me they'd love to play England but no promoter wanted to know... funny how times change i guess...:cool:
From Blabbermouth:

TIM OWENS 'Pissed Off' By JON SCHAFFER's Drunken Antics - Jan. 13, 2004

Former JUDAS PRIEST/current ICED EARTH singer Tim Owens has revealed to Revolver magazine that he was worried that joining forces with ICED EARTH mainman Jon Schaffer was a bad idea shortly after the band started a press tour of Europe in October. No sooner had he and Schaffer arrived in Spain than the guitarist hit the bar and began pounding drinks. "I went to bed at 11 o'clock, and at two in the morning I hear Jon yelling in the hallway," recalled Owens. "He was still drunk when he got up in the morning to fly to Germany, and he pissed me off so bad. He was screaming obscenities in the airport, and on the plane he kept yelling, 'Tim will have prune juice! Tim will have prune juice!' I said to the publicist, 'If he's not sober by the time we do the interviews, I'm not doing them.' If we had been on a boat, I would have pushed him off. I thought, 'Man, I'll never make it through a tour with this asshole.'

"At the end of the flight, Jon looked at me innocently and goes, 'Are you mad at me?' He really couldn't understand because he didn't remember a thing that had happened. Which was a relief, because it meant he didn't do anything on purpose."

In the same article, Schaffer revealed that he's laying the foundation for his most multidimensional project yet: a science-fiction conspiracy concept album based on songs from the band's 1998 disc, "Something Wicked This Way Comes". The story will cover 12,000 years of human history, and Schaffer hopes it will be a springboard for a series of comic books and possibly a motion picture.

"I haven't written down the plot yet," he said. "But I have all the outlines for the story in my head, and I'm really excited about how it's coming together. This could be my 'Star Wars'."
I will be there , try and stop me ! with what could be the Metal line-up of 2004 ! . Ive just got my copy of `Burden and I like it . It doesnt seem to be the end of Iced Earth as others have quoted , with Tim`s vocals suiting the music well and it is far better than the last Priest effort with him on vocals !! . F.A.O Power Quest a friend of yours (J.Ward) is also coming down to London from Wrexham so there should be quite a gathering.
Symphony said:
So who's going to the Iced Earth/Primal Fear show?
Yep, I'm going. Picked up my ticket the other day...

wolfhoff said:
I will be there , try and stop me ! with what could be the Metal line-up of 2004 ! . Ive just got my copy of `Burden and I like it . It doesnt seem to be the end of Iced Earth as others have quoted , with Tim`s vocals suiting the music well and it is far better than the last Priest effort with him on vocals !! . F.A.O Power Quest a friend of yours (J.Ward) is also coming down to London from Wrexham so there should be quite a gathering.
John Ward isn't able to make mate as his wife has to go into hospital that day I'm afraid! I've actually bought his tickets from him!
Yup, i think ill see iced earth, though im not too keen on their "when the eagle cries" pro american bullshit song
Yes that one is a bit OTT isnt it. Why do the yanks always go over the top about things , weve been bombed , invaded , plundered and pillaged for centuries (especialy when Manowar toured here!) but we just get on with getting on !. They dont like it up em!
I have to admit all this pro-American stuff on Glorious Burden has put me off well as Ripper of course! I have decided I am going to make make a concerted effort to get into this album as I have almost decided I won't like it before I have given a proper listen. I'll let you know if it works! ;)
hey !! i finaly got a account ordering my ticket soon, hope they don't sell out! :erk: looks like a great night !!!


Pretty good album over all. I agree the pro USA stuff is a bit much but lyrics never really bothered me. The music is good especially on the heavier stuff like The Reckoning, Greenface, Attila & Red Baron.

Personally I really like Owens' vocals on this CD