Iced Earth


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Oh my god I haven't posted in forever! I've been suffering through the holidays working in retail management:puke:It's finally over! I've been getting caught band is opening for Iced Earth at the House of Blues in March (I think?) Oh shit the saga continues of opening for huge bands, I've never really listened to them before though. I know Ripper used to sing for them and I told a coworker about it and he ranted about how much he loves them. I want to get into them what's the best stuff to start with? I hope you guys all had a great holiday season and here's to 2014!:kickass::kickass:
I have a couple of their cds, but not enough to tell you what their best would be. This is another band I'm considering seeing.
Nice gig. Iced Earth kicks ass. Glorious Burden (the first album with Ripper) is my favorite, but you almost can't go wrong diving into them anywhere.
Awesome will do! Playing direct support to Straight Line Stitch next week, that's a band I've loved for a long time I encourage you guys to check them out. Black chick singer who can scream better then any dude, yeah they're great lol
The new album is awesome. Thankfully they put it up on Spotify a few weeks before release, so I could rock out until my preorder arrives. Horror Show or Something Wicked This Way Comes is a good starting point. The "Live in Ancient Kourion" DVD/CD is pretty awesome, pretty much something from all eras of the band with the current singer. Look for clips on youtube, the setting for it is awesome.

Minus the Something Wicked Parts 1 & 2 cd's, you really can't go wrong imo.
I have been listening to Iced Earth since about 2005. I got started with the Glorious Burden CD (The Reckoning kicks serious ass). Also listen to the 30 minute 3 piece Gettysburg trilology. Tells a story as fine as you can in metaldom. Also for us yankees hearing a non-butchered metal version of the Star Spangled Banner pinned to Declaration Day.

Also check out Horror Show (Barlow on vocals) Dracula and Damien great songs.

Also if you fish through youtube there are numerous tracks that are vocaled with either Barlow or Ripper and (Birth of the Wicked Ripper Version is a personal favorite of mine.)

Oh the new singer ... Stu is fantastic ... I actually have the intro to Tragedy and Triumph as my ringtone on my cellphone