I'd destroy the earth given the chance...

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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Yes, another sappy ranting thread, don't like it, skip it.

Recent events in my life have left me feeling very angry, hurt and confused.
Given the chance, I'd be like Charlton Heston in " beneath the planet of the apes" and destroy the earth using that giant doomsday weapon.

I don't understand why people feel the need to be so fake. For two years I thought I had a genuine friend and companion, We spent almost everyday together, classes, dinner etc.
I find out lat month that she has had this whole other life that had been hidden from me.
Well Saturday this other life becomes official as she gets married. The end of the year, she moves to another fucking country.

I'm so upset I can't even stand it, part of me is upset at myself for being such a god damned fool.
I'm far too old to be dealing with such nonsense.
My trust in people is at an all time low.
Hopefully down the road, things will get better... but if not, at least you have health, family, other friends... It'll be a big thing to get over, but you'll do fine! Hang in there.
DreamNeonBlack said:
Given the chance, I'd be like Charlton Heston in " beneath the planet of the apes" and destroy the earth using that giant doomsday weapon.

"Glory be to the Bomb, and to the Holy Fallout!

Ahh... Thats just plain bullshit. Damn women and their damn games. I FORSAKEN THEE...
Sounds like your relied too much on her for your personal satisfaction and happiness. Are you annoyed that she didn't consult you before she made a big personal decision? Instead of feeling betrayed, maybe you should be happy for her! Dont rely on other people for joy, stop and smell the roses!
It's more that he wasn't made aware of the situation unfolding and thought there was enough trust there that he should have been told. When friends are supposedly that close, they generally don't keep things like getting married and moving away for good hidden until the week before.
Yea, Don't rely on joy from others, masturbate and enjoy yourself!
Captain Beard said:
It's more that he wasn't made aware of the situation unfolding and thought there was enough trust there that he should have been told. When friends are supposedly that close, they generally don't keep things like getting married and moving away for good hidden until the week before.

You hit the nail right on the head! She knows stuff about me that no one else on the planet knows.

And to tell me in an off hand way ( an email BTW ) that She got engaged over the weekend is not how you tell someone who has been extremely close to you. It wasn't even and lengthy email with an explaination, it was " Oh I have exciting news Freddy asked me to marry him! so I'm engaged "
I didn't even know she was dating for christ sakes! Nothing, nada, zip.

And when I finally got the chance to talk to her in person, a week later. She continued to be all closed lipped about it. Once she explained who this person was and where he was from I had to ask twice if she was moving. She said " what did you want me to say?" to which I replied you could have said ANYTHING, sit me down and simply tell me there is this person in your life and you don't know where it is headed.

Something, anything would have been appropriate.

Then two weeks later I find out that in two weeks she is getting married, once again I had to drag that out of her. She didn't offer the information, I had to ask.
Wow that sucks! This person doesn't seem worth to be upset about (but I guess it's easy for me to give advices)... but if you really want to destroy the earth I'm with you!

Seriously, I hope you will feel better soon
Hey man, the world sucks...

I hope you'll feel better soon. Never rely on anyone, NEVER, too many times have i done the same thing and i always end up being alone and trusting nobody. The answer cosists of two words:

1. fuck
2. it

Good luck!
You are taking something personally that doesn't have a thing in the world to do with you. Her behavior indicates very clearly that she feels very defensive of her choices in this matter, and likely feels, deep down, like she's doing the wrong thing. She's also not ready to face that or hear it. Freddy is probably someone unfortunate, and so is the whole silly thing. She hasn't betrayed you, she's betraying herself, and she's not interested in being saved, or even spanked over it.

The fact that you happen to be very close to this person, who's intent on self-destruction, is really just additional information. That it would hurt you is pretty normal, but not necessarily a given. Look at it for what it is. You also have choices in this.

Oh, and if you blow up the planet, I'm never speaking to you again.
well,the main quality of the humanity is selfishness.don't bother trying to comprehend her actions,I bet not even herself have a clue about it.anyway,I know it's a matter of pride,but you have to handle it somehow.