Id Software Rage

I <3 id software.

Rage is looking fucking sickening
i keep saying the world could do with more post apocalyptic games and id software come and satisfy my craving
good boys indeed

its e3 in less than a month, there'll be new footage up im sure. and if not e3 then there's always quakecon
maybe both
I _LOVE_ Id software!

The first two Doom games are still some of my favorite games.
Im really psyched about Rage and Doom 4.. Hopefully they wont fuck Doom up like they did with Doom 3. :erk:
So, yeah, with Dopefish as my avatar it must be quite apparent that I'm an Id fanboy. ;)

More of a legacy gamer though for lack of interest in modern games and the consequent denial of upgrading hardware... I'm sure I'd get some stunning 5 fph with Rage. Yeah, that's frames per hour haha.

For those of you have a <3 for Id's early-to-mid days, check out the book "Masters Of Doom". Highly highly recommended. Nerd porn.