Ideal Dark tranq. Set List.....

Hmmm certainly an interesting thread..., my ideal konzert would be DT playing ALL their songs, but the problem is that that is nearly impossible... *curses*. So here's mine:

1 - Mind Matters
2 - Lost To Apathy
3 - Monochromatic Stains
4 - White Noise, Black Silence
5 - Zodijackyl Light
6 - Not Bulit to Last
7 - Haven
8 - Derivation TNB and The Endless Feed (EP ver.) (Martin B. solo!) (Derivation TNB has never been played I think, pity, 'tis soooo fuckin good :waah: :rock: )
9 - Freecard
10 - ThereIn
11 - Auctioned
12 - UndoControl
13 - A Bolt of Blazing Gold
14 - Insanity's Crescendo
15 - Lethe
16 - Cathode Ray Sunshine
17 - Blind At Heart
18 - The Gallery
19 - Final Resistance
20 - Punish My Heaven :waah: :rock: :notworthy
21 - Mine is the Grandeur / Ex Nihilo :rock:

Note that the songs aren't in order to be played, those are just the ones I'd like to hear, I don't mind the order.

I would fuckng love any setlist they have prepared anyway :) :rock: :waah: :notworthy :rock: .
Danallica i would recommend to get Haven, Damage Done, Projector, Mind's I, The Gallery, Enter Suiced Angels.....fuck man get everything you possible can of Dark tranquillity! thats what i've done haha! And get the Live Damage dvd
PaganThunder said:
Danallica i would recommend to get Haven, Damage Done, Projector, Mind's I, The Gallery, Enter Suiced Angels.....fuck man get everything you possible can of Dark tranquillity! thats what i've done haha! And get the Live Damage dvd

haha, thats what I plan on doing, Im hella pumped for their gig, plus they have an awesome support here :rock:
UndoControl said:
Send me bootleg please? :)

You are one motherfucking bitch-ass cock-sucking ass-wipe: when you have something it's "Let's trade", when someone else has it - it fucking "Send me pliz"??

Fuck you and people like you. And people who like you. And... and... and...


Im always wondering, all those tr00 and gr1m bootleg traders, who are only ever trading one bootleg for another.. how did they get ahold of their first bootleg?
I have Children of Bodom bootlegs from Gothenburg, Tokio, Paris and the inofficial Tokyo Warhearts 2, if anyone wants to trade that for the new song ^^
And yes, they fell off a coal truck, I just happened to be there
Taliesin said:
Im always wondering, all those tr00 and gr1m bootleg traders, who are only ever trading one bootleg for another.. how did they get ahold of their first bootleg?
I don't know how they did, but i know how Undo did. By kindly asking in this forum.
My memory is weak about these things and i don't remember if i ended up sending him something or not, but if i did i regret doing so, seeing how he turned out.
Siren said:
I don't know how they did, but i know how Undo did. By kindly asking in this forum.
My memory is weak about these things and i don't remember if i ended up sending him something or not, but if i did i regret doing so, seeing how he turned out.
Bad Siren! Let that be a lesson to you :p
I'm trying to decide who is lower: pirates distributing copyrighted stuff for free for everyone or bootleg (just look at this: bootleg) traders
Yeah, 'tis nothing against anyone, but concerning Bootlegs, I think there should be a "Bootleg Thread" in which everyone posted what he/she has so that everyone could download it.

I mean, lets not be cheap and just give the fucking bootlegs!

I mean, if ye want to trade go ahead, but IMHO everyone should share what they have. Don't be such cheap bastards.

Don't think I'm particularly supporting Undo here, I'm just saying that everyone should SHARE .
Niklas is OK with us downloading Blind At Heart!!!! You should be too Pliny!

I'm not following! Why can't we have it. I've been looking everywhere. Nobody has uploaded it....