Ideas for a Metal Festival


Jun 13, 2003
Waltham-on-the-wolds, England
I had me an idea for a festival.

You could have the forces of Good .Vs Evil in a weekend long music fest. You could have some Symphonic Epic fantasy metal such as Rhapsody, Prog. Metal like Dream Theater, and Symphonic Cosmic e.g. Luca Turrili on the good side which play against some bands that represent the bad side such as some death and black metal bands e.g. Dimmu Borgir. You could have a band from each force playing at the same time at two ends of a big massive field and the play as loud as possible and the people at the festival decide who to watch, the band with the biggest audience wins. There could be other activities going on such as jousting with Dark and White knights and battle re-enactments. Only problem is there may be a lot of fighting, lots.

You can tell this idea is a joke ;), but it would be well funny anyway. What else could you have at the festival?
Europe VS The Americas VS Oceana VS Far East Battle of The Bands as in Death VS Death, Black VS Black, .....Etc
Also the no holds barred solo throwdowns! Wylde VS Malmsteen, Smith VS Claypool, Bostaph VS Rudd, .... let the crowd choose
Would be interesting
I think the "Heaven and Hell 2004" would kick ass. I also think America versus Europe would be cool. Unfortunately, most of my favorite musicians (less drummers) are European.

I've actually put quite a bit of thought into this subject, so here goes nothing.....I call it the "World Of Metal" festival! 8 parts representing the different types of metal, 3 bands each.

Power Metal: Helloween, Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray, with Kai Hansen doing a few numbers with Helloween.

Thrash: Dark Angel, Overkill and Anthrax

Death Metal: Vader, Napalm Death and In Flames

Progressive Metal: Savatage, Queensryche and Dream Theater

Doom Metal: Candlemass, My Dying Bride and Cathedral

Black Metal(though i can't stand it myself) Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funeral and Cradle Of Filth.

Traditional metal:Iron Maiden, Saxon and Halford

Pop-Metal(though not very popular...): Dokken, Quiet Riot and Motley Crue

Then we'd also have a misc. part, where bands that are hard to catagorize, perhaps because they have elements of multiple styles, could show off their stuff, bands like:
Iced Earth
Children Of Bodom

Yeh...that's my dream.