Ideas on what finish I should put on a project guitar?

So, here's the deal. When I was a kid (I think fifteen or so), me and a friend were sneaking around an old, pretty much abandoned house in my home village. We were sneaking a peek through the front windows, and I saw a black Les Paul with a broken neck lying on the floor in the middle of all this junk, collapsed walls, mold and shit. I did what every guitar lover would do: found my way in the house and salvaged the poor instrument. Not very ethical, I know, but I couldn't let it rot there :) The neck is FUBAR (vertically cracked, which I managed to repair, but it's so twisted I couldn't get it straight), but otherwise it's in pretty good condition. Even the original pickups worked. I sanded it down back then, and here's how she looks:


I talked to a friend who knows the person who used to live in that house, and from what we could gather it's probably a handmade copy from the 60's or so. I'm visiting my parents in a couple of days and thought I'd finally grab the body with me and continue with the project. The wood (no idea what it is) isn't particularly beautiful or textured, so I could use some ideas on what do with it. I don't want a solid color finish, though, and I want to make it look a bit dirty and beaten up, so I was thinking maybe I'd burn it a bit, add some red stain and lacquer it. Anyone got any inspirational pics of something similar? I'd also appreciate any other ideas! :)

EDIT: Oh, and also, if anyone could point me to some cheap replacement necks in the EU, I'd be grateful!
purple glitter!

I was thinking of maybe something a little less gay :D

Metaltastic said:
First off, boner

Second, stain/dye, hand applied, shouldn't be too hard I'd imagine! (check out this thread)

Good luck, and keep us poasted!

Thanks bro, I had already forgotten about that thread!

Anyone got any experience with Dr. Parts? They've got a ready-made LP style neck for 85e, which seems cheap as hell.
I would but a stain finish on it, dark brown maybe..and a satin coat of finish (maybe just tung oil)..that would look awesome, and feel amazing....I am partial to satin finish though (having a mahogany oil finish body made for my RG 7 string) ...whatever you do to the body....just try the neck with no finish, maybe slight oil...I guarantee you will fall in love...
I really like your current colour choice, I think it'd finish up pretty well with EMG's and black hardware. :)
Ok, I finally got around to do some more sanding and start staining this axe. I actually left some of the old paint, sanded rough, on the sides and the back for that extra grunge factor. Here it is after the first layer of staining:



I settled on waxing the body (should give a cool satin-ish finish!) and oiling the neck :)

By the way, I dug up an old crappy pic of how it looked when I found it:

After applying the third coat of tung oil, it's starting to show it's effect, giving it a bit of shine:


The staining turned out far from perfect, but I'm not concerned. It's supposed to be a dirty-looking rock n' roll guitar, anyway :) There's still at least four layers of oil left to apply, and then I'm doing the backside (which I completely fucked up, so I won't take pictures of it :D). Meanwhile, while waiting for the oil to dry, I've been gathering a shopping list for the parts, and I think I'm getting a Dr. Parts LP Custom mahogany neck, Schaller vintage tuners and some classic speedknobs for the pots. Other than that I've already got the hardware I need.