Idiots say the darndest things

Winmar, my first day at Primary school we were told that we could NOT play British Bulldog, or some other thing "Red" or whatever.

They never told us exactly what we couldn't play, or why we couldn't play it.

WTF is British Bulldog ?

It's where I think you start with one sucker in the middle, and everyone else tries to run from one side of the oval to the other without being tackled to the ground. Anyone who does get tackled has to join the guy in the middle etc etc. It rules.
Well seeing as the grade sixers were known to have an extortion racket (a kid a few years before I went there was found hanging from a coat hook (under the jaw), and the school was oft referred to as "Little Chicago", dunno why they wouldn't even tell us the rules of the "game that could not be mentioned/played".
Yep, awesome game. Best game ever, though, is Dodgeball. I was pretty good at that because for 90% of the game it's about strategy, ie hiding behind everyone else. :)
Sounds like you went to an interesting school, Captain Spaulding!

Dodgeball was great too. I can still remember the sound of someone getting hit by one of the rubber balls we used.
'twas interesting.
We had kids in families with TB.
Kids who lived in half round corrugated iron houses.
Dad was allowed to drag the Austin A-40 into the preschool area, kick the windows out, and the kids could play in it.
We were allowed to climb in the mulberry tree.
They had an almond tree in the school grounds, which we all ate from.
We were allowed to push each other around in tractor tyres...fuck they hurt when they fell on you.
There was a hugely nasty prickle bush that we hollowed out into a "cubby house"
We lit fires with cap-gun caps
We got a feed of chips from the local fish and chip shop for 10c (we got in trouble for leaving school grounds...we were 9 or 10...but they didn't upset us too much).
balfour buns were 5c.
Also, the takeaway that had the "contract" for our lunches had a big glass Jar if cigarettes. Jelly beans were 2 per cent. ciggies were 10c each.
That reminds me of when i used to go to the local movie theatre/ show hall once a month or more. I'd go with my pocket money of two dollars for that week. I'd get my ticket a packet of chips a drink and then a bag of lollies for the walk home and have 20c to put in my money box when I got home.
Winmar, my first day at Primary school we were told that we could NOT play British Bulldog, or some other thing "Red" or whatever.

They never told us exactly what we couldn't play, or why we couldn't play it.

WTF is British Bulldog ?

In Bourke is was called 1-2-3 Cocky Laura.