If anyone is looking to join Google+

Same here. I've been on there for a bit, but haven't got many people to talk to!

It's Google's new version of social networking, Southy.
Good luck with that name. They wanted to kick me off for using "Lord Tim" and asked me to provide proof that it was a common name that I went by, so I gave them like 10 different websites, from our official site to my Wiki, etc. - they rejected it. So I explained calmly where they could stick the plus sign and deactivated my account. Just a heads-up...!
Good luck with that name. They wanted to kick me off for using "Lord Tim" and asked me to provide proof that it was a common name that I went by, so I gave them like 10 different websites, from our official site to my Wiki, etc. - they rejected it. So I explained calmly where they could stick the plus sign and deactivated my account. Just a heads-up...!

They haven't hassled me about it at all but it is the name on my google account and since Shadow is my legal name I can send them copies of legal papers to prove it.
I'm there just checkin' it out, hoping more people join so I can see what the benefits of it are. It's a bit hard with so few people there.

I was following Living Colour on there, but their account got deactivated. Apparently they'll have to re-register when Google+ has business accounts.

Found and added, Shadow. :)
I'm there just checkin' it out, hoping more people join so I can see what the benefits of it are. It's a bit hard with so few people there.

I was following Living Colour on there, but their account got deactivated. Apparently they'll have to re-register when Google+ has business accounts.

Found and added, Shadow. :)

Cheers, mate, found an added into circles. :) :headbang:
I was following Living Colour on there, but their account got deactivated. Apparently they'll have to re-register when Google+ has business accounts.

That's really not encouraging people to want to join or stick around is it? I understand it's a limited beta, etc. but there's only so much hype you can drum up when they're so picky about who can be a part of it.
They've been pretty clear that it's not for organisations or "fan pages" yet, and have been pretty brutal in taking down things that aren't "individuals". Stupid they wouldn't allow "Lord Tim" though, because although I know we're not best mates or anything I though you used that for pretty much everything.

Maybe they consider it a fan site. I dunno. It's just another social network I never update anyway.
That's really not encouraging people to want to join or stick around is it? I understand it's a limited beta, etc. but there's only so much hype you can drum up when they're so picky about who can be a part of it.

Yeah I thought the same thing. Why discourage people from the outset? I suppose they want to have a clear delineation between people and groups/organisations/businesses, which is understandable. Doesn't sound like they're too understanding though.
I've created a Maiden Downunder Circle. I've added a couple of you guys (like you give a shit), but just a couple of peeps from Spiff's circles that I think I recognised. If you're being followed by someone with an avatar of a dog dressed as Yoda, that's me. Hope you don't mind. :)
I'd much rather they enforce the no business profile policy from the start than end up with the situation on Facebook where there's a steady stream of requests from businesses, companies etc trying to get around spam limitations by making a "Person" account with names like "RockBar MetalClub" etc.
I've created a Maiden Downunder Circle. I've added a couple of you guys (like you give a shit), but just a couple of peeps from Spiff's circles that I think I recognised. If you're being followed by someone with an avatar of a dog dressed as Yoda, that's me. Hope you don't mind. :)

Tried finding it but didn't appear.

If it is still about could you be as so kind as to add Shadow Shad to your circles. :)
Circles are not visible by anyone other than the creator. It's just a way of sorting your contacts into groups so you can post certain things to certain groups.