If anyone's interested in an original Negura Bunget - Sala Molksa...

Oh, so that was yours eh? Think I had it on my watch list but as with most Ebay stuff I forgot about it... Oh well.

Any other BM-related stuff you are selling?
That's a shame, you probably could've had it cheap - it only went for $5.50.

With respect to Black/Blackish Metal, not anything up at the moment, though I do have the following (and probably more I'm forgetting) waiting in the queue:

Shining IV and V
Averse Sefira - Battle's Clarion
Capricornus - Alone Against All
Deathspell Omega - Kenose
Hellveto - In Arms of Kurpian Phantom, Klatwa & Medieval Scream
Hin Onde - Songs of Battle
Lunaris - The Infinite
Manegarm - Havets Vargar
Mithotyn - In The Sign of the Raven & King of the Distant Forest
Naglfar - Vittra :lol:, Diabolical, Ex Inferis, Pariah
Nokturnal Mortum - Mirovozzrenie
Old Man's Child - Revelation 666
Silencer - Death... Pierce Me
Susperia - Predominance & Vindication

I also just recently sold an original pressing of Ulver's Bergtatt as well as Dawn's - Slaughtersun and Agalloch's - Of Stone, Wind and Pillor.
sucks to hear that Jason ... hope things get better for you.
a buddy of mine in Sarasota is ready to pack it in and move back North as well. He's been out of work for 6 months also.
Jason, what you should do is purchase a bunch of CDs (Luror, Lifelover, Nyktalgia, Darkspace) from European Distros, then sell them on ejew to unsuspecting Americans at 60% mark up.

I see discs that sell for 10 euros go for $30 on ekike.com. I'm baffled by the lack of research done by these supposed "fans".
Thank you Aurel, yeah the market is definitely terrible down here so I'm not surprised to hear of other locals in similar situations.

Jerry, while stuff like that represents temptation, I'm not looking to be unethical about it. However, if I have items already in my collection that can fetch a lot on Ebay or something, then that's certainly something I need to take a look at right now. For almost all my items, I also start the bidding at less than a dollar and let the fans decide how much something is worth to them.