If I was rich.....

If your talkin billions. Then I would buy out clear channel, sony music and whoever else has a stronghold on our culture and its so- called music. I would then drop all the limp dicks, stinkin parks and all the other talentless shit which is everything that is popular. Then I would market, promote and saturate the market with Symphony X , Iced Earth, Opeth etc...
I got nothing against the rich, just their taste in music.
The first thing I'd do is go to Germany, then to the USA and buy TONS of stuff to make myself a studio....
Than I would try something I actually don't need that much money for - BECOME MASTERPLAN/SYMPHONY X/SOME OTHER KICKASS BAND's second lead guitarist. Or have my own 6-piece kickass band...
And THEN I could think of more....

I have a flabby fantasy, you know!

Yours, as always, Faust the second!
I'd probably build one huge-ass architechtural nightmare of a house, with a complete home studio, a trampoline room with soft walls and all the high-tech stuff I could imagine. (Except for the self-warming toilet seat. Even I have to draw the line somewhere. :grin: )

Then again, I'd have to be as rich as Bill Gates to do that. Well... There's always the stock market...