'IF I WAS YOU' cover art

I like it, very Eerie looking.

I know fingers means as well about the aisa-ish look to the logo. I see it too!
not bad i guess.
however id rather paul gregory did it.

Maybe so, but this single is part of the Harvey Goldsmith project so is likely to be different from the norm.

As Wilks says in your thread "what dyall think of the new stuff?" I think as fans we have to support this project in the hope it raises the profile of Saxon, and brings them some acclaim (from a wider audience than ourselves) that they richly deserve.
Very nice, those churches/cathedrals being mirrored in the water as bullets!

its the london skyline

As Wilks says in your thread "what dyall think of the new stuff?" I think as fans we have to support this project in the hope it raises the profile of Saxon, and brings them some acclaim (from a wider audience than ourselves) that they richly deserve.

i totally agree, but i just dont want them to loose the plot, but as things are looking it should turn out great, the songs are brill, biffs doin his radio shows..
They should tell us what record shops are used for the 'charts' and we could all by the single from those shops and get 'If I was You' to No1! Not that the charts mean dick s**t these days, but it would be fun to see Saxon at No1! If for no other reason than radio 1 would have to play it! :lol:
Luv it! Hope its on the Tshirt.What ever it takes for them to get a little bit of fame or money!they deserve!
robsaxon on the way to sheff in two weeks from cornwall!
Back on the streets again!
The logo sucks.I guess if I heard the song, the cover art would make more sense to me.I was not able to hear the radio show,would be nice if this site would offer sound bites,give those who couldn't tune in a chance to hear the new material.This is a hint for the new webmaster,post a link or whatever you do so we can hear the song!!!!Other bands do this,bring Saxon up to 2007.I can't wait 'til March to hear the new stuff.
what's up with that logo? did they officially change it or is this just an artist's rendition? big mistake if they change it... the double battle-axe "S" standard is unmistakably Saxon.
Do not like the logo at all. Thankfully the BattleAxe "S" has remained the same on the new album. You just don't mess with that. It's like messing with Superman's "S" logo, you just don't do it!

The artwork itself is OK. I can't put my finger on it but there's something about it that just doesn't say "Saxon" to me. Maybe that's what they were shooting for.