If it's Biden I'm voting...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
For McCain, just to negate someones vote for the most worthless package EVER.

Actually, I'm thinking I'm going to do that even if he surprisingly picks someone else for VP on the package. Fuck Obama. Fuck him in his inexperienced "Look at me, I'm half black and I'm going to make change!" ass.

I'd rather be fucked in the ass nothing said and have it done with, not spend 3 years being whispered sweet nothings too while the administration slowly slips the cock of power in my ass.

Worthless election year!
You know what you need to do.

Fucking honestly though... Biden is the top runner right now and pretty much everyone else who was speculated has been given a no? What the fuck Obama... why don't you just come out and say everything you've been saying has been bullshit.
oh wait found some

All politicians are full of shit and useless, some are just a lot worse than others... hard to say but from what I've personally seen Obama is the lesser of two evils.... but I know America will NEVER elect a black president with a woman VP... never, ever :lol: John McCain is pretty much running no contest.
I watched Biden in one of those democratic debates earlier in the year and liked him over everyone else, he didnt put up a bullshit wordy front and just said what he felt. I don't really know him other than that but I like him.
I watched Biden in one of those democratic debates earlier in the year and liked him over everyone else, he didnt put up a bullshit wordy front and just said what he felt. I don't really know him other than that but I like him.

I suggest you read up on The Biden Tapes scandal of the 80's, from the first time he ran for president. Essentially, he copied a speech from Neil Kinnock and tried to pass it off as his own. Ever since then, the man's credibility has been slim to none and nobody in their right mind would trust this guy.

Not to mention he's definitely not something which would really fit in obama's campaign, which has been labeled as a change campaign. Everything the man is for is very conservative and not a good option for the campaign.

Hillary, at this point, is the best option. Not because of her policies and experience, but due to the fact that she's a woman, and she held a strong part of the democratic registered voters who are now unsure or leaning over to mccain. She can also secure the woman vote.

If Obama doesn't announce Clinton tomorrow, McCain is going to capitalize on the woman voter sect and add Kay Bailey Hutchison to his billing pretty much guaranteeing his victory.

Obama's in a tight position now, because the only people left on his list who haven't come out and said they've gotten calls telling them no is not a good list. Political Analysts realize this whole selection could kill his campaign. As does anyone with half a brain and a little reading power.
the anchors on 1 news show were saying how McCain might get that women from Texas, would it even be worth it for Obama to get Hillary then?
the anchors on 1 news show were saying how McCain might get that women from Texas, would it even be worth it for Obama to get Hillary then?

He's most likely using Kay Bailey Hutchison in 2 cases:

A) McCain's campaign committee see an upward trend in female voters towards Obama after the pick of whoever the VP is

B) If Hillary's voters go back to Obama if/when she is announced as VP on that ticket in order to balance the playing field.

Hutchison is there, and very usable.
(absolutely NOT directed to you specifically David, more as a general thing since I hear it a lot: )

I don't get people "who don't vote at all" why?
-"because I hate them both"

Yeah but have you read their campaigns? Do you even know what they stand for? Do you really hate them both so much that not even one SUBJECT on their plate
speaks to you and your life? (and if not... then what kind of li.... err nevermind)
Do you really want to tell me you rather NOT vote for someone who will.... uh.. I don't know: run your country?
If you don't vote, then don't ever bitch about politics or current events... seriously...
why not vote? It's so important... I just don't get it.
Ok, ou show me a mouldy piece of shit with bacon on it, and then the same, with chocolate chips. Why should I pick either one? The guy I wanted to win never had a chance. I hate it when people get indignant when I hate so many qualities in all parties, that I find they overwhelm the good and can't honestly support them. It doesn't matter anymore who David votes for, his opinion is not in line with the rest of America anyway. Seriously, not directed to you, necessarily, but everyone leave me the hell alone about why I won't vote. I shouldn't have to choose between two people who I see as detrimental to the society I think we should have. I'm honestly for a 3rd, violent option I can't even speak of anymore because due to FISA, they can now start monitoring my communications.
All politicians are full of shit and useless, some are just a lot worse than others... hard to say but from what I've personally seen Obama is the lesser of two evils.... but I know America will NEVER elect a black president with a woman VP... never, ever :lol: John McCain is pretty much running no contest.

...the sad thing about it, is that America will not elect a guy that can be the best thing this country has seen for years, but NOOOOOOOO
we'll vote for an idiot who believes in evolution, and believes that "evil can be defeated in the next terms", that abortion should be illegal, has ZERO plans for environmental issues, plans to stay in Iraq for 100 years, that kisses every politician's ass in DC, and that is fucking 73 years old.... you know what's younger than McCain?? Mcdonald's! The Pill! Israel! ALASKA, The elevator!

So America will vote for this old fart who is worthless and says stupid shit like: "I CAN SMELL FREEDOM" "WE ARE THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH"
and other cliches instead of taking 2 hours of their time and read Obama's campaign and realize what this country needs.

Because McCain, oh yeah! That's a step forward for America!! Look at us look at us! we like things big and our presidents from 7 generations ago and huge religious freaks!

story of our lives.
Im still not getting how Obama is the best thing for this country? hell im not really a fan of McCain either but i have a hard time believing what Obama says as well...
Neither of those two dick-smokers are good for the country, and the (smarter) people are FINALLY starting to realize that. Seems quite a few are unhappy with the choices presented.