If it's Biden I'm voting...

I'm not saying Obama is "oh so perfect", but McCain??
You know, I used to like McCain, a long time ago when he stood up for his opinions, and went against his party.
Now, he's just the same pussy-ass DC material chump, who plays into the hands of the people I hate the most in this country (the religious fanatics)
and kisses everyone's ass in DC.... is this the man I want to run for the next 4 years?

Only good thing about electing McCain is that I think he'll die half way through anways.
Yeah the tires comment was dumb, I admit.

but uh... is he better than someone who wants to "defeat evil"!! and thinks abortions should be illegal?
Drilling.... you know, to see results from drilling it would take 5-8 years (to see profits or for the oil to be used in the market)
in the meantime, you;re destroying the environment...
I'm really surprised to hear that "drilling" is such a great option to some, instead of... let's see, invest in alternative greener solutions to OIL ?
That way we may not be so dependent on those "bad arabs" and won't destroy our one and only country.

"wants to talk to terrorists" who exactly are those terrorists exactly?

"done nothing"? Really? is that all there is? Obama to me sounds like a person who is fresh, young, not yet corrupted by DC politics and lobbyists and that won't go to bed at 7pm.

Guns? fuck guns. I'll take anti guns ANY DAY than a person who believes in shoving his imaginary friend, aka God in my face
(starting right in the middle of the awesomeness)...you know what's younger than McCain?? Mcdonald's! The Pill! Israel! ALASKA, The elevator! (and more good stuff.)

Karen, will you marry me?


OK, so some related thoughts -- hate both of the big-party candidates? Vote for someone who doesn't stand a chance, but who you don't hate. What'll that do? Well, if more people did it we wouldn't be so completely mired in what is an effectively 2-party system.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, who is capable of getting him/herself to the level we're talking in the American political system as it stands today is going to be perfect or pure as the driven snow, but some suck WAY worse than others. Way worse. Holy shit worse. Like Curious George worse. Look at what you're given and try to make a choice that that doesn't make you a bigger dumbass than the person you're planning on helping get a new job.

A couple angry blonde pennies, on a subject that makes me foam at the mouth.
Woah, that's fucking vitriolic.

Both options are lame. Neither has substantial experience of elected high office and that's not even casting an eye upon the shallow policies of both. Votes for either will be token votes, out of loyalty or idiotic reactions to obvious and contrived stimulation of die-hard core voters.

America is a representational democracy, if the majority of people want to ban abortion and want free gun ownership and believe that the war on terror is a positive thing AND consequently vote for McCain, you can hardly complain, unless you reject the entire system, and well that's a different matter altogether.

I sympathise with David, I don't vote either. I'm hardly an extremist in my political views, yet I feel disenfranchised from the entire political process. I can't and won't vote out of some misguided belief that it A) Matters or B) is my right because John, Billy and Steven died in WWII.
This is how it runs down:

Both are peices of shit... do you want a contradictory piece of shit who will sneak attack you with shit (Obama) or someone who shovels the shit into your face directly (McCain).

My choice is solid. McCain 2008. Obama has been playing around too long and this Biden shit is just too much. If he felt so strongly about his campaign, he wouldn't choose the man who represents the complete opposite.

I will definitely go into that booth in November and proudly choose McCain just to negate someone else, and hope... JUST HOPE... that Obama doesn't get elected.

To me, he makes Bush2 look like an ideal candidate. Bush2 is atleast honest about his objectives...
When both were asked: "When does life begin?", Mr McCain immediately said: "At the moment of conception".

Mr Obama first said that answering the question was "above my pay-grade" before adding that he was in favour of legal abortion "not because I'm pro-abortion but because, ultimately, I don't think women make these decisions casually. I think they wrestle with these things in profound ways."

Try putting that on a bumper sticker.

They're both morons, it seems.
wtf, Obama's answer was great.... Derek wow I'm really surprised from your replies so far in this thread to be honest...

Obama's answer was great, and it is indeed above his pay grade! who the fuck can answer that question???? you?? me??

"at the moment of conception" OH McCain how I fucking hate you.
Karen, will you marry me?


OK, so some related thoughts -- hate both of the big-party candidates? Vote for someone who doesn't stand a chance, but who you don't hate. What'll that do? Well, if more people did it we wouldn't be so completely mired in what is an effectively 2-party system.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, who is capable of getting him/herself to the level we're talking in the American political system as it stands today is going to be perfect or pure as the driven snow, but some suck WAY worse than others. Way worse. Holy shit worse. Like Curious George worse. Look at what you're given and try to make a choice that that doesn't make you a bigger dumbass than the person you're planning on helping get a new job.

A couple angry blonde pennies, on a subject that makes me foam at the mouth.


...........and yes! I'll marry you Carrie, but let's do it quick before McCain makes it illegal!
Obama's answer was avoiding the question. It's a yes or no question essentially, not a "philosophize on the conscious repercussions of said decision".

McCain's answer wasn't any better, but atleast, as I said, he answered the question.
Just because I don't find Obama a viable candidate? Intelligent and free thinking does not have to equal democrat, especially when I find the whole American political system repulsive.

Obama's answer was overly cerebral, not only waffle but it was a political mismove in front of an audience he should have had an answer for, or have never been in front of.

Obama's answer was overly cerebral, not only waffle but it was a political mismove in front of an audience he should have had an answer for, or have never been in front of.

First of all, abortion is not an easy subject, ON BOTH SIDES
every side of this debate is horrible and absolutely not easy for the woman
whether she chooses to do it or not,

a) to play into your crowd of Evangelical freaks like that, especially since McCain said not once that he is pro-choice, is dispeakable
b) that whole day, was planned and set Obama up pretty much, wasn't McCain listened to the whole thing in his car when he wasn't supposed to?
c) Obama's answer, if you think about it: was the best answer simply because it is not an easy subject, he said it is beyond him, he said he can't answer that: BRAVO OBAMA!
This hard subject shouldn't even be a fucking debate on running for president!!!!!
I'm sorry, when did this country have turned into Sudan????
We have bigger issues on the plate, but nooooo let's judge a person based on his views on a fucking issue that should be FREE for all and a woman's choice!
Since when the subject of evolution, abortion, gay marriage, and stem cell research are core subjects for presidency?

Only in America folks!

Because investing in solar power, (that can save the country BILLIONS), greener alternatives for oil (that can save the country billions)
bringing more jobs to the country (that can save the country billions and hurt Chinese monopoly industry) end that stupid war in Iraq (that can save.....)
is less important! We couldn't even get the stem cell research go on, because Jesus said it's bad! (and that could... you know... bring the country... you know... lotsa money and stuff)

but answers like: "since conception!" and "defeat evil!" is a day where America sees its future!!!!
First of all, abortion is not an easy subject, ON BOTH SIDES
every side of this debate is horrible and absolutely not easy for the woman
whether she chooses to do it or not,

a) to play into your crowd of Evangelical freaks like that, especially since McCain said not once that he is pro-choice, is dispeakable
b) that whole day, was planned and set Obama up pretty much, wasn't McCain listened to the whole thing in his car when he wasn't supposed to?
c) Obama's answer, if you think about it: was the best answer simply because it is not an easy subject, he said it is beyond him, he said he can't answer that: BRAVO OBAMA!
This hard subject shouldn't even be a fucking debate on running for president!!!!!
I'm sorry, when did this country have turned into Sudan????
We have bigger issues on the plate, but nooooo let's judge a person based on his views on a fucking issue that should be FREE for all and a woman's choice!

BUT it is a contentious political issue and any Presidential candidate would have to realise that and deal with it. Obama didn't manage to. McCain may have cynically exploited the fact, but it proves him to be better prepared and certainly more aware of how America votes.

I agree with you insomuch as I think the abortion debate is a misnomer, but that hardly reduces its relevance to Joe Voter and the country more generally. The U.S characterises itself politically through these issues and every four years they come up again, with the debate having progressed in no fashion whatsoever.

There is a middle ground.

Sadly no candidate standing firmly on it will ever be elected.