If it's Biden I'm voting...

Since when the subject of evolution, abortion, gay marriage, and stem cell research are core subjects for presidency?

Only in America folks!

Because investing in solar power, (that can save the country BILLIONS), greener alternatives for oil (that can save the country billions)
bringing more jobs to the country (that can save the country billions and hurt Chinese monopoly industry) end that stupid war in Iraq (that can save.....)
is less important! We couldn't even get the stem cell research go on, because Jesus said it's bad! (and that could... you know... bring the country... you know... lotsa money and stuff)

but answers like: "since conception!" and "defeat evil!" is a day where America sees its future!!!!

Then move.

America has voted like this for 60 years. It won't change, for those on both sides are as whiny and bad as each other.
The only middle ground with abortion and such issues is to NOT MAKE THEM ISSUES at all!
whatever happened to separate church and government?

...plus, if you think about it: Obama's answer was more religious than anything... he admits that it is beyond him to answer this,
meaning he is just a human being...
I'm really afraid that you have a point Derek: that JOE the voter is too fucking dumb to be govern....

"since conception" ! that's fucking great.
Try putting that on a bumper sticker.

That's so fucking retarded. i hate how ppl think that all answer should be short enough to fit on a bumper sticker. just because they are too dull, busy, whatever to read more than two words that completely explain a subject. WTF? only bricks have short answers to complicated questions but obviously that's more electable ... wtf ... (not that it is basically the same in every other democratic country)

The people obviously want short dumb answers to important matters like abortion, or to the question: "what shall we do with all the evil in the world?"

McCain: "Defeat it!"

I lol'd, but then I cried
I'm only talking about it because it happens here, but I'm sure everywhere else in the world politics stink in the same way...
Just look at what's going on in Belgium now... (separatists and Catholics came together, what a mess!... )
But sometimes I feel naive maybe, thinking America should be better and above this crap. (religion with politics)
I'm wrong.... I know that... I'm dead wrong.
yea, i am kind of glad that religious aspects are not very important in german politics after all. but even if it's not religious ppl it's ppl with other ideologies and bumper-sticker-world-views that ruin everything ...
...the sad thing about it, is that America will not elect a guy that can be the best thing this country has seen for years, but NOOOOOOOO


They're both awful fucking candidates.

McCain is a religious fuckwit.

Obama is a retard that can't give a direct answer.

Obama has the 18 vote though, Jesus Christ my classmates are retarded. They don't look at either of their political affiliation. They just see he's black and said "I'm voting for that guy."


No seriously, they had no idea what the fuck any of them stood for.
One thing that bugs me is when people say that if I don't vote, I shouldn't complain.

Fuck that.

If nobody has any chance of representing anything I care for or consider useful, consider my absence a vote against the whole thing. When more than half the country doesn't vote in this election we'll see more people trying to figure out how to tap into the 'pissed the fuck off' demographic and get a bit more separation between the two parties.

Right now we have conglomerate-controlled fuckwads who want to kill babies running against conglomerate-controlled fuckwads who want to kill brown people. Oh, and maybe the terrorists might be more afraid of one party, and maybe another says change a lot, but we'll see how that works out. Do they care about my civil liberties? Fuck no. Do they care that the billions they spend on taking away people's freedoms come from actual work that takes actual time that can never be gotten back? Doesn't look like it. Maybe I'm a little apprehensive about anyone who would actually think they're capable of running a country, but when the one party of Republicrats is split into people who like red and people who like blue I'm going to go ahead and not give a fuck.

Yeah, people died for my right to vote. And I'm voting fuck you on this one, and when people see that they're fighting over 30% of the country, and 70% thinks they're full of shit and wants to stab them in the eyes, the silence will speak more than any speech about change or values.

My choice is solid. McCain 2008. Obama has been playing around too long and this Biden shit is just too much. If he felt so strongly about his campaign, he wouldn't choose the man who represents the complete opposite.

I guess im the only one who thinks the P and VP being opposite on many/some issues is good?
I often don't get into issues of politics but I don't really trust either of the people running. I haven't really trusted any candidates for a long, long time.
Maybe I'm a bit insular but I think with all of the things that need to be done in America, we need to address them. We also need to have a plan, get ourselves together and then begin working with our image and place in the world in general.

I know, it is a huge generalization.
Give me a break. Saying that none of the candidates represent your views is just laziness and a lack of interest in the race. Nobody is ever going to tailor their political stances to your own personal liking, so get over yourself and actually try to think about what's best for the country. I understand not voting in some specific elections, but as far as I can tell, the people who use this argument are the ones who never vote. (And no, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular.)

Also, anyone voting for McCain... I just have to assume that you want to be drafted, illegalize abortion, and legalize wiretapping.