If it's Biden I'm voting...

John McCain is a trigger-happy, hypocritical bully who has given his campaign over to the same folks who smeared him eight years ago as the father of an illegitimate black child when campaigning in the Deep South. Despite his vaunted foreign policy experience, he can't keep straight the timeline (believes that the Surge caused events six months before it even began), borders (believes that Iraq & Pakistan share a border), and effects (maintains a hard line against withdrawal when even the Bush administration is focusing on drawing down troop levels) of his number one issue. He uses his suffering as a prisoner of war to justify every deceit, every blunder, every poorly chosen position - from being unable to identify how many houses he owns, to lying to a pastor about the possibility that he might have gotten early warning on debate questions, to (I am not making this up) liking ABBA.

He opposes a woman's right to choose, supports the continuation of a stupid, pointless war at the expense of America's budget and international standing (not to mention the Afghani campaign and the lives of our soldiers), supports tax breaks for the country's largest corporations, and employs people who believe that America's recession is "all in our minds." The McCain campaign has routinely cozied up to the far-right religious fringe elements and monied sleazeballs of the nation, while attempting to paint his opponent as an "out-of-touch elitist" - this from a man who only got through naval academy because both his father and grandfather were four-start admirals; who divorced his first wife (who stood by him for 5 and a half years of imprisonment overseas) to marry a 24-year old multimillionaire beer heiress; who was embroiled in a savings & loan scandal with a man who defrauded Americans of millions of dollars; who CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER HOW MANY FUCKING HOUSES HE OWNS.

A vote for McCain is a vote against choice, against fairness, against reason.

I'll go into Obama's pros when I have more time.

Thank you Pyrus :kickass:
I'm voting for the Monster Raving Looney party as soon as I can... Unless of course a Jedi Party turn up.

Has my vote already.

Shit that would be awesome. No need to send millions of troops into war, just a fight between said countries leaders.

America would fucking rule.
I was thinking about not saying I was voting for Obama, because really I'm alot more socialistic economicly and libertarian in law enforcment, but what the fuck is the point of wasting my vote on a 3rd party candidate when Obama isn't as bad as McCain?

How can anyone with a brain vote republican, they view scientific facts like they're just "liberal bias" or something
I was thinking about not saying I was voting for Obama, because really I'm alot more socialistic economicly and libertarian in law enforcment, but what the fuck is the point of wasting my vote on a 3rd party candidate when Obama isn't as bad as McCain?

How can anyone with a brain vote republican, they view scientific facts like they're just "liberal bias" or something

but guns the war that will never end and IRAN is just SOOOO much more important!!!

I'm not voting mainly because I don't feel it's the right thing to do since I haven't lived in the US as a civilian since 1996. Since then, I haven't experienced the ups and downs of being an American civilian due to military service, which took me around the world in 9 years. As you all know, I've been living in Italy for the past 3 years as well, so I feel I am not in a position to vote, since none of their decisions affect me.

I'm afraid Obama will be too soft on foreign policy and I'm afraid that McCain is just out of touch with Americans these days. The whole not knowing how many homes he owns was kind of a slap in the face to many Americans struggling just to get by, especially in this day and age.

The whole "Obama wants to talk to terrorists" is bullshit. That's some armchair generals who've never served a day in their life in the armed forces talking there. Trust me, the military would welcome peaceful political talks...they're tired of being the world's police and the only military with any balls in the Middle East, Israel excluded. He wants to talk to states who are known to house terrorists and try to work something out. That doesn't mean the guy is just gonna bend over and let them fuck us. If they can't reach an agreement, then we'll continue on the path we're on, which isn't really that great of an option either. My question is, what do we have to lose?

Do you REALLY think the US is going to nuke Iran? If you do, you're deluded and have no idea of the magnitude of nuclear warfare and the "point of no return" repercussions that come along with it. That's a pandora's box that should stay closed. I'm just bringing this up because I hear so many people say "ah fuck em..just nuke em".

While I disagree with some of his positions, I have to say he's the lesser of two evils and has the right mindset to fix the US. The last president who made the US look respectable was Reagan, and I think it's time to do something different. I respect McCain and agree on some of his stances, but he just seems to want to keep the status quo, which is the very thing that needs changing, imo. Again, I could be wrong, but the last time I checked, the majority of Americans were not happy with just about everything there. The US needs a complete overhaul and needs to put itself on the world stage without dominating it, and I think Obama can get the ball rolling. Sure he's inexperienced, but I don't see how that's such a bad thing. George W. Bush had never left the United States except to go to Mexico and Americans voted his dumbass into office TWICE. All the Republicans screaming about how Obama has no experience need to stfu because they backed one of the worst presidents in the history of the US who had even less of a clue about the modern world. Every time I hear someone talk about how little experience Obama has, it just makes me giggle. American voters voted Bush in TWICE, someone who didn't even know the difference between Sweden and Switzerland, and THEY'RE worried about Obama? The first time Bush kinda fooled everyone...even I was taken in by him...but the second time, no excuse.
The whole "Obama wants to talk to terrorists" is bullshit. That's some armchair generals who've never served a day in their life in the armed forces talking there. Trust me, the military would welcome peaceful political talks...they're tired of being the world's police and the only military with any balls in the Middle East, Israel excluded. He wants to talk to states who are known to house terrorists and try to work something out. That doesn't mean the guy is just gonna bend over and let them fuck us. If they can't reach an agreement, then we'll continue on the path we're on, which isn't really that great of an option either. My question is, what do we have to lose?

You, sir, deserve many beers.
I'm not voting mainly because I don't feel it's the right thing to do since I haven't lived in the US as a civilian since 1996. Since then, I haven't experienced the ups and downs of being an American civilian due to military service, which took me around the world in 9 years. As you all know, I've been living in Italy for the past 3 years as well, so I feel I am not in a position to vote, since none of their decisions affect me.

I'm afraid Obama will be too soft on foreign policy and I'm afraid that McCain is just out of touch with Americans these days. The whole not knowing how many homes he owns was kind of a slap in the face to many Americans struggling just to get by, especially in this day and age.

The whole "Obama wants to talk to terrorists" is bullshit. That's some armchair generals who've never served a day in their life in the armed forces talking there. Trust me, the military would welcome peaceful political talks...they're tired of being the world's police and the only military with any balls in the Middle East, Israel excluded. He wants to talk to states who are known to house terrorists and try to work something out. That doesn't mean the guy is just gonna bend over and let them fuck us. If they can't reach an agreement, then we'll continue on the path we're on, which isn't really that great of an option either. My question is, what do we have to lose?

Do you REALLY think the US is going to nuke Iran? If you do, you're deluded and have no idea of the magnitude of nuclear warfare and the "point of no return" repercussions that come along with it. That's a pandora's box that should stay closed. I'm just bringing this up because I hear so many people say "ah fuck em..just nuke em".

While I disagree with some of his positions, I have to say he's the lesser of two evils and has the right mindset to fix the US. The last president who made the US look respectable was Reagan, and I think it's time to do something different. I respect McCain and agree on some of his stances, but he just seems to want to keep the status quo, which is the very thing that needs changing, imo. Again, I could be wrong, but the last time I checked, the majority of Americans were not happy with just about everything there. The US needs a complete overhaul and needs to put itself on the world stage without dominating it, and I think Obama can get the ball rolling. Sure he's inexperienced, but I don't see how that's such a bad thing. George W. Bush had never left the United States except to go to Mexico and Americans voted his dumbass into office TWICE. All the Republicans screaming about how Obama has no experience need to stfu because they backed one of the worst presidents in the history of the US who had even less of a clue about the modern world. Every time I hear someone talk about how little experience Obama has, it just makes me giggle. American voters voted Bush in TWICE, someone who didn't even know the difference between Sweden and Switzerland, and THEY'RE worried about Obama? The first time Bush kinda fooled everyone...even I was taken in by him...but the second time, no excuse.

also, using BUSH as an example of no experience doesnt help your cause AT ALL

How so? The very people hurling shit at Obama for not having enough experience are the same ones who put Bush into office for two terms.

I'm for neither party, but Republicans should shut their mouths about the whole experience issue.

McCain ran against Shrub in 2000 and just lambasted him on every point, then fast forward four years later, he praised and praised everything he had ever done in the second election, all for the sake of party unity. I'll give it to the right, they've got their shit together. They make great leaders when they're not complete dumbasses...but there's a lot more to lose than just party unity in this day and age, and being a little unconventional shouldn't be looked upon as a bad thing.

This is just my opinion, but social issues are the number one priority in the US these days. Health care and education should be above everything else, and if they aren't, then someone's asleep at the wheel or just doesn't get it.
How so? The very people hurling shit at Obama for not having enough experience are the same ones who put Bush into office for two terms.
because citing bush as having no experience and turning out BAD doesnt help your case at all that we should elect presidents with no experience!

you're making the leap that even though:
bush no experience = bad president

somehow through fucking magic:
obama no experience = best president evar!

am i the only one that sees this? am i the crazy one here!?
I think the disconnect is that DW is discussing the campaign for the presidency, and neal is discussing the presidency. Both of these are arguments worth having but they're totally separate. So, to wit: Bush's lack of experience indicates that the Repubs need to shove it about Obama's lack of experience, but it also indicates that the Dems need to give the electorate a compelling reason to vote for Obama, because an inexperienced president has not served us well the past eight years.

It is worth noting that Bush's cabinet was absolutely chock-full of extremely experienced politicos dating back to the Reagan administration, and they managed to fuck up everything.