If it's Biden I'm voting...

Give me a break. Saying that none of the candidates represent your views is just laziness and a lack of interest in the race. Nobody is ever going to tailor their political stances to your own personal liking, so get over yourself and actually try to think about what's best for the country. I understand not voting in some specific elections, but as far as I can tell, the people who use this argument are the ones who never vote. (And no, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular.)

Also, anyone voting for McCain... I just have to assume that you want to be drafted, illegalize abortion, and legalize wiretapping.

Oh, hi, I'm 20 and couldn't vote before. Whoops. As for 'not representing my views being laziness'... well, I like civil liberties, privacy, and not being associated with human rights violations, and I don't like massive government, military spending out the ass, and party lines that exist only so that companies can bet on their favorite color. Just thought I'd clear that up. I do firmly believe that the absence of the majority's vote will be much stronger than tossing paper at your favorite bobblehead, and that encouraging people to vote for the sake of voting is one of the stupidest things the system could be put through, so I'm not exactly in line with public school civics classes, but that's one argument that doesn't last very long against a lot of people.

because citing bush as having no experience and turning out BAD doesnt help your case at all that we should elect presidents with no experience!

you're making the leap that even though:
bush no experience = bad president

somehow through fucking magic:
obama no experience = best president evar!

am i the only one that sees this? am i the crazy one here!?

Where the hell do you get that from? Never said he'll be the "best president evar!", only that the Republicans throw shit at him at every chance they can get due to his lack of experience, when their glory boy had even less experience and he was voted in TWICE. That's the thing...TWICE. You think they would've learned the first time.

If you'd read my post you would see that I labeled him as the lesser of two evils, and that I disagree with some of his policies, as well as agree with some of McCain's. Why does this feel like deja vu?
Comparing Bush with Obama really only serves to highlight how the election is more of a pissing contest than anything else. The playing field levels every four years and it hardly matters who said what and when, only whether it damages the opposition candidate.

I find the the U.S elections pretty tiring, and I've only been physically present in the States for one of them.
which everyone does! does it even matter who the actual president is? do they even decide anything?

This is a good point. Look at Bush's cabinet...they were fantastic as far as being a "war president" goes.

There's good experience and bad experience...Bush's cabinet was full of bad experience, with the exception of Colin Powell, imo.
dead winter>>> ok i guess i exagerated a bit on your personal endorsement of obama, ive just heard/read a lot of these obama people saying 'well bush had no experience either!' but that argument only works if you think bush turned out good!
dead winter>>> ok i guess i exagerated a bit on your personal endorsement of obama, ive just heard/read a lot of these obama people saying 'well bush had no experience either!' but that argument only works if you think bush turned out good!

You're right and it doesn't make any sense if you look at it from that perspective. I do believe that if we had to choose between Bush and Obama, both being relatively new to politics, I think Obama would've done a better job with the presidency that Bush has. That's just my opinion, though. I can't predict the future, but I don't think the guy is going to make the US look like a bunch of mouthbreathers.
I'd dance to Tom Paines bones and fucking move.

But in general, what do you think? Aside from having the "freedom" to vote, would it be worse to not even vote at all and have the gov't choose for you or have the "freedom" to vote for two people, neither of whom you'd like to see in the White House?
Ach, anywhere. Problems are problems, but inherent splits hidden under a blanket of unity would rankle with me until I felt sick and left.
move to where? the whole world sucks, america has its problems but what country doesnt?

It depends on how much money you earn every year. If you make lots of money, stay in the US. If you don't make lots of money, move to Canada or Europe.

Strictly speaking quality of life, not things like family or nostalgia.
But in general, what do you think? Aside from having the "freedom" to vote, would it be worse to not even vote at all and have the gov't choose for you or have the "freedom" to vote for two people, neither of whom you'd like to see in the White House?

The latter scenario differs little from the first, other than the body politic feels involved.
But in general, what do you think? Aside from having the "freedom" to vote, would it be worse to not even vote at all and have the gov't choose for you or have the "freedom" to vote for two people, neither of whom you'd like to see in the White House?
I have news for you, sir, they do that anyway.
That's kinda my point.

I don't see the difference in having the "freedom" to vote if there isn't a real choice out there for you to vote on.

All this freedom to do this, that, and the other is just pillow talk to Americans by our government. Every other democratic country on the face of the earth has just as many freedoms as the US, and even more in some cases.
It depends on how much money you earn every year. If you make lots of money, stay in the US. If you don't make lots of money, move to Canada or Europe.
i dont make much money, but i am ALL FOR the bums and whiners moving the Canada and Europe to get their free socialist bullshit that they pay out the ass for anyway and then maybe America could get back on track with hard work and personal responsibility like it used to be!

Experience my white ass!!!

It's not like Obama is going to run the country on his own with no one else around him, is he now?
For me, Obama is young, fresh, not yet corrupted, educated and he is the ONE thing this country needs
McCain is old, tired, corrupted and outdated.
McCain may be a war hero and knowledgeable about wars, but those features are also his best enemies as he has no clue how to deal with war anymore
or how to "talk to terrorists"

and I swear but if I'll hear him say one more time " I CAN SMELL FREEDOM" or America is Number 1 - I'll personally shoot him.