If it's Biden I'm voting...

Creating plates to stand up to and barging up before anyone else hardly counts!

Right, fuck this. REALLY it's bed time now.

Again, I agree with you. The world has had enough of the US presence in its backyard, and it's time we go home and tend to our own affairs.

But let's be pragmatic; the rest of the world doesn't exactly jump at the chance to volunteer themselves to help with the dirty work during a conflict. The US does the brunt of the dirty work. Of course, bad foreign policy on the US's part is partly to blame as well, but that's not the issue. If the rest of the world wants to take the lead, I'm sure the US would be more than happy to give it...but we all know that will never happen.

Georgia will be an interesting test case.
But let's be pragmatic; the rest of the world doesn't exactly jump at the chance to volunteer themselves to help with the dirty work during a conflict. The US does the brunt of the dirty work. Of course, bad foreign policy on the US's part is partly to blame as well, but that's not the issue.
So grab your kilts and bagpipe cannons and get to work boy!
Already did, sans kilt. My boss did play the bagpipes every now and then when we were downrange, though. It was pretty cool having a bagpipe player go to war with you.
:lol: wow the last part was hilarious...and so true.

I had a colleague when I was in the AF who said, "I like Bush because he just seems like a normal guy who makes mistakes". I almost punched him in the dick.

I told him, "Well, the guy that pumps my gas at the gas station is a normal guy, and I don't want him to be president."

The POTUS should be above "normalcy"...he/she should be a beacon to the rest of the world and a shining example of the principles the US was founded on...not someone who can wipe his/her ass correctly.
"Well, the guy that pumps my gas at the gas station is a normal guy, and I don't want him to be president."

:lol: i heard that somewhere else u phony!
I've never heard anyone else say it, though it's a common enough presumption among thinking people. This was back in 2004 I think during the re-election.
Creating plates to stand up to and barging up before anyone else hardly counts!

Right, fuck this. REALLY it's bed time now.

Ok, fair enough. If Her Majesty's Armed Forces would like to take the lead in Balad and Baghdad, I'm sure the US would be more than happy to trade places with them and their partying in Mosul every night. People who get to drink beer in a warzone cannot complain.
Hahaha... fucking McCain's already got an ad out featuring the Biden quotes... I love it!

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In all honesty, would McCain survive the Presidency? He seems more frail even than Dick Cheney.

Frail, but thats why his choice in VP is going to be important. He's definitely going to pick someone younger and fresher than he is for VP. I don't think he, or the republican party, thinks he'll make it all 4 years before either dying or moving into a position where he can't do the job anymore.
Voting for McCain is idiocy. What would compel someone to actually vote for that ... fucking...


McCain makes me so mad to an extent that I cannot even express my rage towards him through online text. I would like to punch him in his large cancerous melanoma jaw :lol: