If it's Biden I'm voting...

Other than lack of experience, I really don't see why people are deathly afraid of Obama.

Maybe they're caught in 1955 and think "the colored folk need their own water fountain", but I really don't see what sort of threat he presents.
So what determines a "liberal" and someone who is "liberal as fuck"?

Condoleeza Rice...that's an interesting idea. I actually like Condi, although I think she is loyal to a fault. McCain and Condi on the same ticket? Interesting. Schwarzenegger and Condi...that's more like it.

She's probably the only one in Bush's cabinet I wouldn't throw my own fecal matter at.

and up until a year ago the option of drilling wasn't even on the table, so what, now it's a fucking big deal?
It's not a good solution, and no, I don't follow the "liberal hype" but it is DESTRUCTION for the environment, and correct me if I'm wrong:
but you only have ONE country last time I checked, and we might as well keep it in great fantastic shape before we destroy it completely with
pollution and drilling sites that won't even yield profit for the next 8 years...
in the mean time we can, develop alternatives for oil, (and it's possible: look at Brazil! fucking Brazil is more advanced than America....)
and maybe by developing that, we'll become completely superior in the world and completely independent when it comes to oil.
Just think of the power America than will have...

Obama is obviously a moron, what does he know?!?!
I love it how people get all up in arms about someone's stance on an issue (Kriggy, this isn't aimed at you...just speaking in general), whether they be dem or rep. If someone is for gun control, they're not going to take away people's weapons...that's just not going to happen, there's too much red tape. They're not going to outlaw abortion either, at least on a national level. Who was the last Democrat President who outlawed handguns in the US? Who was the last Republican President who outlawed abortion? No one, not at least since Roe v. Wade.

I think both sides are being reactionist about both parties...maybe they'll make some decisions we disagree with, but how many abortions do you plan on having if you're so up in arms about it? If it's more than one, you've got bigger problems than politics. How many pistols do you want in the cab of your truck? How many people are you planning on shooting to be so deathly afraid of them taking it away? Again, if you're afraid someone's going to take away your right to own a firearm because you want to shoot everything you see, there's a bigger problem underneath.

We should take things more rationally.
I love it how people get all up in arms about someone's stance on an issue (Kriggy, this isn't aimed at you...just speaking in general), whether they be dem or rep. If someone is for gun control, they're not going to take away people's weapons...that's just not going to happen, there's too much red tape. They're not going to outlaw abortion either, at least on a national level. Who was the last Democrat President who outlawed handguns in the US? Who was the last Republican President who outlawed abortion? No one, not at least since Roe v. Wade.

I think both sides are being reactionist about both parties...maybe they'll make some decisions we disagree with, but how many abortions do you plan on having if you're so up in arms about it? If it's more than one, you've got bigger problems than politics. How many pistols do you want in the cab of your truck? How many people are you planning on shooting to be so deathly afraid of them taking it away? Again, if you're afraid someone's going to take away your right to own a firearm because you want to shoot everything you see, there's a bigger problem underneath.

We should take things more rationally.

I agree with you and it's a good post Chris! Really!

I'm not planning to have any abortions, hell I've been on the pill for... god I don't wanna tell you how long ( :lol: )
but my right as a woman, and as a citizen in a free country to choose if I want to keep it, or to destroy it.
And no religious freak should tell me I can't.

At the same time: I think people should have a right to have guns... you know what, I have come to terms with that issue as much as I disagree with it,
but fine: they want guns: ok have guns!

But things must be seen in a Macro picture and not Micro... when you compare the two: are you kidding me????? McCain??
Ok, fair enough. If Her Majesty's Armed Forces would like to take the lead in Balad and Baghdad, I'm sure the US would be more than happy to trade places with them and their partying in Mosul every night. People who get to drink beer in a warzone cannot complain.

I could slander the U.S army for you, but I realise it's pointless. My criticism was not based on FUCK AMERICA THE UK ARMY IS THE BEST, but something else entirely. :erk:
I could slander the U.S army for you, but I realise it's pointless. My criticism was not based on FUCK AMERICA THE UK ARMY IS THE BEST, but something else entirely. :erk:

I'm not slandering anyone, and this isn't us vs them or anything. I'm just pointing out the obvious fact that the US does way too much in the world, whether it's warranted or not. It's not a power issue, it's a question of the US's being overzealous and the complete opposite coming from Europe. Many countries here have the ostrich syndrome and stick their heads in the sand and figure that if it doesn't affect them directly, why bother? I think both parties are wrong and there needs to be a meeting in the middle.

Consequently, neither party can come together without both of them clearing up these bad habits. The US needs to mind its own business more, and the EU needs to grow some balls. I foresee change in the near future with Sarkozy, however. He has really taken the bull by the horns and is shaping up to be a great leader in France.

My problem with all of this is that everyone knows the US sometimes makes too much of a mess, but you never hear any criticism of Europe, when they are just as much deserving of it for their lack of action.

There must be a middle ground.
I love it how people get all up in arms about someone's stance on an issue (Kriggy, this isn't aimed at you...just speaking in general), whether they be dem or rep. If someone is for gun control, they're not going to take away people's weapons...that's just not going to happen, there's too much red tape. They're not going to outlaw abortion either, at least on a national level. Who was the last Democrat President who outlawed handguns in the US? Who was the last Republican President who outlawed abortion? No one, not at least since Roe v. Wade.

I think both sides are being reactionist about both parties...maybe they'll make some decisions we disagree with, but how many abortions do you plan on having if you're so up in arms about it? If it's more than one, you've got bigger problems than politics. How many pistols do you want in the cab of your truck? How many people are you planning on shooting to be so deathly afraid of them taking it away? Again, if you're afraid someone's going to take away your right to own a firearm because you want to shoot everything you see, there's a bigger problem underneath.

We should take things more rationally.
Obama wants that. The D.C. gun ban had a 5-4 vote. It barely made it.
Hell, he is against self defense all together, not just guns.
The Illinois State Police thinks that women should make themselves vomit on their attacker.
If You Are Confronted...
Before you fight

Fighting for your safety may be necessary. However, if you start out fighting you cancel any other options that might be open to you. Since many attacks on women are not sexually motivated, and are designed to degrade and humiliate, talking your way out of it may be easier.

-There is documentation of assailants that left a would-be-victim alone after she told him that she was pregnant and it would kill her baby. (Some case were women that were too old to even have a baby.)
-Telling an attacker that you have VD or AIDS can discourage him.
-It may sound disgusting, but putting your fingers into you throat and making yourself vomit usually gets results. (This method is not often used except as a last resort.)
-Use your imagination and you can think of others.

The above methods are particularly important if your assailant has a gun or knife, or there is more than one attacker. (Fighting would probably be futile.)

Theres a reason why gun owners hate the guy.
What's so great about guns anyway? Replace the word "Guns " with "Burgers" on that list and I'd give a shit.