If it's Biden I'm voting...

I lol'd at the bit at the bottom :lol: "OR LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO SHOOT AT SHIT" That's not a right, it's just a loud passtime
Q: You said recently, "I have no intention of taking away folks' guns." But you support the D.C. handgun ban, and you've said that it's constitutional. How do you reconcile those two positions?

A: Because I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country. I think it's important for us to recognize that we've got a tradition of handgun ownership and gun ownership generally. And a lot of law-abiding citizens use it for hunting, for sportsmanship, and for protecting their families. We also have a violence on the streets that is the result of illegal handgun usage. And so I think there is nothing wrong with a community saying we are going to take those illegal handguns off the streets. And cracking down on the various loopholes that exist in terms of background checks for children, the mentally ill. We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure that I think respect the Second Amendment and people's traditions.

Obama's problem is that he is approaching nuanced, complicated issues with nuanced, complicated answers and looking at the root of the problem instead of making knee-jerk, party-line responses (also see the abortion question from Warren's summit.) This is, of course, going to lose him the all-important Mouth-Breathing Window-Licker vote. I can only hope there are enough Americans with two fucking synapses to rub together to overcome that constituency, assuming they don't devolve their opposable thumbs between now and November.
I agree that neither candidate is worth voting for....

However, after hearing about this bill (that was snuck in and signed in a midnight signing) I have no use for Obama.

How the fuck is that a bad thing? It's going to help people so what the fuck... Seriously fuck you greedy assholes and your OMGTAXES attitude. Fucking cunts, you know I LOVE America, and the people in it, unfortunately over the last 10-15 years it's become full of goddamn retards who are running it right into the fucking ground. *sigh*

In Canada we pay 13% tax (used to be 15%)... and you know what, our healthcare system was AWESOME when the tax was at 15%, then the cocksucking conservatives took over and lowered it now our healthcare is pure shit (I know they're trying to privatize healthcare to set up a lucrative money making insurance racket like you guys have in the states), I'm scared to get sick because it's just ATROCIOUS now.. low taxes only benefits the individual, and hurts everyone overall who can't afford necessities of life.

inb4 fuck you socialist, commies red fag, etc...

EDIT: Honestly, I love how your greed turns this statement...

"With billions of people living on just dollars a day around the world, global poverty remains one of the greatest challenges and tragedies the international community faces," Obama said. "It must be a priority of American foreign policy to commit to eliminating extreme poverty and ensuring every child has food, shelter, and clean drinking water. As we strive to rebuild America's standing in the world, this important bill will demonstrate our promise and commitment to those in the developing world.

"Our commitment to the global economy must extend beyond trade agreements that are more about increasing profits than about helping workers and small farmers everywhere,"

into some fucking evil commitment that you can't stomach.

Obama wants that. The D.C. gun ban had a 5-4 vote. It barely made it.
Hell, he is against self defense all together, not just guns.
The Illinois State Police thinks that women should make themselves vomit on their attacker.

P.S. Most statistics show people who try to defend themselves with a gun usually escalate the situation and make it much, much worse. Odds are the attacker will get the gun and fuck you up.

Theres a reason why gun owners hate the guy.

Because I truly, deeply give a shit what gun nuts think and take the facts they present as unbiased and full of truth. :lol::lol:


What's so great about guns anyway? Replace the word "Guns " with "Burgers" on that list and I'd give a shit.

:lol: I never understood the fascination with guns.. wow you shoot shit, same fun can be achieved with a paintball or pellet gun, jesus and least with paintballs you actually get to shoot people and have fun. Guns is just inanimate objects or pieces of paper.. it's totally useless, unless you're in the military or an avid hunter (I despise hunting but meh, some people like to kill things) then I don't see the desire to want to possess a firearm. Only pussies would resort to a handgun TO a fight.. "OH THIS GUY MAKES ME SO FUCKING MAD BUT I'M TOO AFRAID TO JUST PUNCH HIM BECAUSE THEN I MIGHT GET MY ASS KICKED SO I'LL JUST SHOOT HIM IN THE FACE!! FUCK YEAAH!"
[KOTNO]Narrot;7548637 said:
it's a penis compensation thing

It just makes me sad to think "guns" can make such a difference in one's mind when choosing a candidate: there are so many more important issues on the
table: but "oh no don't take away those things that I keep and don't even use! no please don't!"
wtf do you do with those things anyways? Planning a war? Feel manly for owning them? I don;t fucking get it.
In the mean time, kids on the street getting those things too, and woohoo what a bright future they have.

I mean for fuck sake.
It just makes me sad to think "guns" can make such a difference in one's mind when choosing a candidate: there are so many more important issues on the
table: but "oh no don't take away those things that I keep and don't even use! no please don't!"
wtf do you do with those things anyways? Planning a war? Feel manly for owning them? I don;t fucking get it.
In the mean time, kids on the street getting those things too, and woohoo what a bright future they have.

I mean for fuck sake.

Words of wisdom.
you act like there's a code of honor on the street :lol: you're stupid
:confused: I didn't say there was, but only a faggot who's too scared to fight would rather use a gun.
It just makes me sad to think "guns" can make such a difference in one's mind when choosing a candidate: there are so many more important issues on the
table: but "oh no don't take away those things that I keep and don't even use! no please don't!"
wtf do you do with those things anyways? Planning a war? Feel manly for owning them? I don;t fucking get it.
In the mean time, kids on the street getting those things too, and woohoo what a bright future they have.

I mean for fuck sake.

Politics =/= the real world and things that matter in it. Real issues don't matter, only the meaningless, stupid fucking ones that are MADE into big issues through the media are the things that determine elections. Like you said before... GAY MARRIAGE, ABORTION, GUN CONTROL... all key issues that can make or break a candidate depending on their stance.

Personally all left and right wing fanatics are to blame, they're ruining everything. I think though, the right are bigger hypocrites... If you're allowed to shoot someone in the head whenever you feel like it I think you can get a fetus vacuumed from your pussy or fuck a guy in the ass while wearing a wedding band.

Words of wisdom.

f you're allowed to shoot someone in the head whenever you feel like it I think you can get a fetus vacuumed from your pussy or fuck a guy in the ass while wearing a wedding band.

what? :lol:
^^Middle ground, compromise, reason, logic.. all the things absent in our society today... if McCain and Obama (and every other opposing parties/candidates) joined their policies together I'm sure some great shit would go down. Unfortunately the moderates in society are too busy being normal and leading decent lives they can''t spend every moment writing their congressman, rallying money, starting interest group, etc.. so the godamn crazies hold all the power.
It just makes me sad to think "guns" can make such a difference in one's mind when choosing a candidate: there are so many more important issues on the
table: but "oh no don't take away those things that I keep and don't even use! no please don't!"
wtf do you do with those things anyways? Planning a war? Feel manly for owning them? I don;t fucking get it.
In the mean time, kids on the street getting those things too, and woohoo what a bright future they have.

I mean for fuck sake.

best post on this thread so far.