If it's Biden I'm voting...

I agree that neither candidate is worth voting for....

However, after hearing about this bill (that was snuck in and signed in a midnight signing) I have no use for Obama.

Oh and you have a use for McCain who signed hm....let's see, over 3 bills to keep funding Iraq's war, to possibly get into Iran, and to increase the problem in the middle east? Obama may have this plan but it's not like he's gonna run with those billions of dollars and save other countries THE THE DAY AFTER HE IS ELECTED! Plus, McCain has similar bills in mind, read his interviews and campaign, he wants to go in Iran, is that something your tax dollar should pay for as well?

oh brother, we're doomed.
Then what's the bloody point of democracy?? If the intelligent people don't vote because "no one is wroth voting for and we hate the candidates" then
you might as well hand over the country and let it be no more elections. Because you know damn well that those evangelical, fanatics, mid-country states with
nothing better to do than fuck-a-cow people, are voting, because their church told them to, so the majority it seems, will be all the brain washies
because the rest "can't be bothered" My god, we are too dumb to be govern.
Then what's the bloody point of democracy?? If the intelligent people don't vote because "no one is wroth voting for and we hate the candidates" then
you might as well hand over the country and let it be no more elections. Because you know damn well that those evangelical, fanatics, mid-country states with
nothing better to do than fuck-a-cow people, are voting, because their church told them to, so the majority it seems, will be all the brain washies
because the rest "can't be bothered" My god, we are too dumb to be govern.

some hope in the electoral college, eh?
Drilling.... you know, to see results from drilling it would take 5-8 years (to see profits or for the oil to be used in the market)
in the meantime, you;re destroying the environment...
I'm really surprised to hear that "drilling" is such a great option to some, instead of... let's see, invest in alternative greener solutions to OIL ?
That way we may not be so dependent on those "bad arabs" and won't destroy our one and only country.
Energy is one of the most important issues in 2008.
Obama doesnt want nuclear and doesnt want to drill.
Drilling does not destroy the environment. dont believe the libtard hype.
It would be great if we could get a ton of nuclear plants.
And im all for alternative power, but its not going to happen any time soon. A viable source of alternative power does not exist yet.
Windmills are awesome and all, but they arent going to run the country.
Oil is the lifeblood of America, and we need more of it.

and its funny, they were telling us not to bring signs to the Obama rally :lol:
and that faggot cancelled the Farmers Market! What a dick! :mad:
All politicians are full of shit and useless, some are just a lot worse than others.

Politicians will kiss ass to get a vote. They will say what you want to hear, then get elected into office and do shit.

For example, Nixon. "I'm gonna remove our troops from Vietnam"

He get's elected, then what does he do? Invades Cambodia.

Eventually he withdrew the troops, but im just proving a point. I don't know who to vote for, so I probably will just sit back, not vote like I did last year.

Politicians will kiss ass to get a vote. They will say what you want to hear, then get elected into office and do shit.

For example, Nixon. "I'm gonna remove our troops from Vietnam"

He get's elected, then what does he do? Invades Cambodia.

Eventually he withdrew the troops, but im just proving a point. I don't know who to vote for, so I probably will just sit back, not vote like I did last year.


Because Nixon's the best example :lol:
Give me a break. Saying that none of the candidates represent your views is just laziness and a lack of interest in the race. Nobody is ever going to tailor their political stances to your own personal liking, so get over yourself and actually try to think about what's best for the country. I understand not voting in some specific elections, but as far as I can tell, the people who use this argument are the ones who never vote. (And no, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular.)

Also, anyone voting for McCain... I just have to assume that you want to be drafted, illegalize abortion, and legalize wiretapping.

Well it's certainly not lack of interest and tagging everyone lazy speaks only to the poverty of your imagination.

Now to the poverty of my imagination. I've worked with Albert and he pretty much sums up how I feel on the topic. Albert Atkin: I'm still not voting.
I'm voting for the Monster Raving Looney party as soon as I can... Unless of course a Jedi Party turn up.
I just want to vote for the one who is going to force schools to teach Evolution. And might actually give more money for education, there's not enough teachers, there's not enough schools. The main problem though is too many fucking RETARDS who seriously believe in I.D.

That's the only issue I care about, so I'll probably vote for Obama,

this thread sucks.
John McCain is a trigger-happy, hypocritical bully who has given his campaign over to the same folks who smeared him eight years ago as the father of an illegitimate black child when campaigning in the Deep South. Despite his vaunted foreign policy experience, he can't keep straight the timeline (believes that the Surge caused events six months before it even began), borders (believes that Iraq & Pakistan share a border), and effects (maintains a hard line against withdrawal when even the Bush administration is focusing on drawing down troop levels) of his number one issue. He uses his suffering as a prisoner of war to justify every deceit, every blunder, every poorly chosen position - from being unable to identify how many houses he owns, to lying to a pastor about the possibility that he might have gotten early warning on debate questions, to (I am not making this up) liking ABBA.

He opposes a woman's right to choose, supports the continuation of a stupid, pointless war at the expense of America's budget and international standing (not to mention the Afghani campaign and the lives of our soldiers), supports tax breaks for the country's largest corporations, and employs people who believe that America's recession is "all in our minds." The McCain campaign has routinely cozied up to the far-right religious fringe elements and monied sleazeballs of the nation, while attempting to paint his opponent as an "out-of-touch elitist" - this from a man who only got through naval academy because both his father and grandfather were four-start admirals; who divorced his first wife (who stood by him for 5 and a half years of imprisonment overseas) to marry a 24-year old multimillionaire beer heiress; who was embroiled in a savings & loan scandal with a man who defrauded Americans of millions of dollars; who CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER HOW MANY FUCKING HOUSES HE OWNS.

A vote for McCain is a vote against choice, against fairness, against reason.

I'll go into Obama's pros when I have more time.