If it's Biden I'm voting...

Then why would you have bitched about him taking on Hillary? From the way you (and many others) have talked in this thread it seems that voting Republican is not even an option you would ever consider, so why would it matter who the Democrat candidates are if that would always be your vote?

Just sayin'.
When you elect a VP you are electing the president of the Senate (with tie-breaking vote) as well as the likely presidential candidate 4 or 8 years on.

The President of the senate has almost no power.


I would bitch, but not change my vote... there's a huge difference between "bitching" and changing my vote all together.

Of course the candidates matter... How can one person be 100% republican or 100% democrat? It's too polarized...
I normally vote for the person who I believe the most regardless to which party they belong to... happen to be, in the past years it was Democrats
The President of the senate has almost no power.



The 46 men to hold the office of the Vice President have cast between them 244 tie breaking votes in the Senate. I don't know what any of those votes were on (I assume 220 of them were pay increases for senators), but it is something to consider as it may give one party a senate majority.

However - it is my opinion that if you vote at all, voting in local and state elections will have a far greater impact on your life than voting in federal elections.

onion movie :kickass:

The 46 men to hold the office of the Vice President have cast between them 244 tie breaking votes in the Senate. I don't know what any of those votes were on (I assume 220 of them were pay increases for senators), but it is something to consider as it may give one party a senate majority.

However - it is my opinion that if you vote at all, voting in local and state elections will have a far greater impact on your life than voting in federal elections.
one of them was Al Gore voting to give Ethanol some kind of federal subsidies or assistance, basically saying "hey Ethanol people, go berserk!"

and we know what an awesome savior Ethanol turned out to be! higher corn prices so we can put that corn into gas for the tank that ends up using at least as much energy making and transporting it as it saves! WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA if you own a corn farm
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onion movie :kickass:

one of them was Al Gore voting to give Ethanol some kind of federal subsidies or assistance, basically saying "hey Ethanol people, go berserk!"

and we know what an awesome savior Ethanol turned out to be! higher corn prices so we can put that corn into gas for the tank that ends up using at least as much energy making and transporting it as it saves! WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA if you own a corn farm

Yeah, the corn industry is like a cancer on the nation. Ethanol is just another attempt by rich people to grab more cash for producing less than nothing.
what is going to replace oil???? What miracle item is going to run our cars, heat our houses, fly our planes........?
and oil spews out of the ocean floor in the gulf...

clearly you are ignorant. So you can keep all the guns you wish and infinite ammo if you for fuck's sake would surrender your right to vote.

How about nuclear electricity, wind and solar energy power and heat your home? There is electrical heating that runs really great. Just because you never heard of it that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Second of all, aberrant gas prices have pressed people to use oil more efficiently. This is reflected by the sudden drop in the value of SUVs and the fact that GM is testing an electrical vehicle that runs for 40 miles on energy without oil and when needs oil it runs at 90mpg. It will hit the market by late 09. Hell, there are cars nowadays that easily get 35-40 mpg in city like traffic. Just because they aren't huge cars to compensate for a small dick doesn't mean they are bad.
Indeed. Although I've yet to read any form of argumentation, from professional publications too, that do not cross one fallacy or another. It's an extensive list, the key being to stay away from the obvious, ergo - don't use straw men, slippery slopes or ad homs.

Nevertheless, he makes some valid enough points. They're coated in some poor expression, but that's maybe an aside. The problem I have is applying any of this to Kriggy. I'm sure we'd clash endlessly on points such as these, but I just can't not like the man!

If there is one thing the republicans really rock at... it's making good ad's with perfect timing.
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Man American TV is seriously some the tackiest cringeworthy shit I've ever seen :lol:
i think my perfect hilarious scenario for this election would be for McCain to take that lady Senator from Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison as his running mate, and thanks in part to Hilliary's backstabbing and party dividing beats Obama, thus ruining Obama's and everyone else's silly dreams of "hope" and "change". then, a few months later, McCain dies because he's old as shit. Kay Bailey Hutchison becomes President, thus ruining Hilliary's dreams of being the first woman president. that'd teach people not to dream.
i think my perfect hilarious scenario for this election would be for McCain to take that lady Senator from Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison as his running mate, and thanks in part to Hilliary's backstabbing and party dividing beats Obama, thus ruining Obama's and everyone else's silly dreams of "hope" and "change". then, a few months later, McCain dies because he's old as shit. Kay Bailey Hutchison becomes President, thus ruining Hilliary's dreams of being the first woman president. that'd teach people not to dream.


Well, speculation is that McCain's announcing his VP on thursday to steal the thunder away from Obama. So guess we'll find out soon.