If Sorrell owned a car dealership...


Chinese fighter pilot
Jun 22, 2004
Ranch on Mars
Okay, now before you click on this video, I feel that I should warn you that it does have some bad language (NSFW). There, I warned you:) Mods, please remove if you think it's not suitable (I thought it would be okay as you actually have to click on the video link to start it).

That being said, it's pretty dang funny...



Okay, now before you click on this video, I feel that I should warn you that it does have some bad language (NSFW). There, I warned you:) Mods, please remove if you think it's not suitable (I thought it would be okay as you actually have to click on the video link to start it).

That being said, it's pretty dang funny...

:lol::lol:How did you know I owned a car dealership?:lol::lol:

That's funny shite!

We're all adults here. If ya don't wanna watch it, don't watch it! If you watch it and are offended, then go away. It's your own damned fault.

Flash backs of my Pinto came back and now I am in therapy (yes the ones with different sizes and colored dots).

You brought tears to my eyes............. thanks ...............I was having a rough day and this cheered me up.

JED :)
Hails to the Steves, and the drummer too! :kickass:
It took me this long navigating the labyrinths of UltimateMetal to find your forum...good grief.

Well, here I be...
...aaaaaand there I go.

:cool: Throw in the hanging blue leather balls attachment, and I may consider...but not a penny over sticker price!

:lol::lol:Since I saw you last, those things froze and broke off. They dragged while I was 4 wheelin' up a hill in the dead of winter.

I can only imagine what people must think we're talkin about. :lol:


I remember those Balls. I loved those things. Steve, your balls were the best! Too bad they froze up and fell off. Maybe you didn't use them enough and work them in well.
I remember those Balls. I loved those things. Steve, your balls were the best! Too bad they froze up and fell off. Maybe you didn't use them enough and work them in well.

That could be the problem, indeed!:lol:

Steve, you shouldn't be draggin your blue balls around like that...

Hey, wasn't that a Tom Petty song? "Stop Draggin My..." oh..never mind.