Off Topic: Back w/New Car

@ Carnut

The Number plates differes from one Province to the next, I live in Natal so that's the "N" and then Richards Bay. If you live in the Northeren Cape you'll have a number and some antelopes on your plate, so you're partly right, the people in the Free State has Sweet Corn on their plates - poor bastards.
For about $500 (in this province) you can write anything you want as long as it's not longer than 7 letters/digits. Which is cool, but when you piss off someone in traffic they'll remember your car.
Pabla said:
should have known you'd pull a fast one

My reputation preceeds me

Pabla said:
I still haven't taken a pic with my car... maybe I'll follow the example on Wyvern's signature


Thinking on buying this one:

sixxswine said:
If you look at the YUGO the damn, dust covers on the wheels & the fog lights are the most valuable thing on the car...

Actually for a Yugo that thing is a Beauty hahaha with all the salt we use on the roads in the winter Yugos never lasted long, up here they would just fall apart :loco:
JonnyD said:
never gonna get laid being so shy anyway hahaha so I might as well drive a car that looks the part :loco:

This is my actual Vehical

Now that looks like a rugged car. arrrrrgggghh (that's supposed to be a rough and rugged scream)

My truck: (p.s.) I did not buy this- it is a company car
kittybeast said:
Now that looks like a rugged car. arrrrrgggghh (that's supposed to be a rough and rugged scream)

My truck: (p.s.) I did not buy this- it is a company car

it will be much more rugged once the new engine is in it! I blew the last one! hhahahaha Ya gotta be a pretty tough machine to withstand me :grin: Hey at least the company is good for something right! The company I work for is a bunch of stinjgy(sp) Dirtbags!!!
That's a REAL nice drive to get as company car Kittybeast, unfortunatly trucks are very expensive here. Used to have a Dodge Dakota pickup but it killed me on gas. My favorit truck:


and I hope to own a car like this ones; (Dodge Dart Swinger 340)

until that I'm pretty happy with my '68 Dart (soon to be equipped with a 360 (5.9 liter) engine :loco: )
carnut said:
That's a REAL nice drive to get as company car Kittybeast, unfortunatly trucks are very expensive here. Used to have a Dodge Dakota pickup but it killed me on gas. My favorit truck:


and I hope to own a car like this ones; (Dodge Dart Swinger 340)

until that I'm pretty happy with my '68 Dart (soon to be equipped with a 360 (5.9 liter) engine :loco: )

Thats why you are the Car~Nut hahaha me I am happy if the damn thing has 4 wheels and starts :loco: ... Very Nice Lookin car BTW