Pabla's New Car Hood Adventures

kittybeast said:
If she's "okay" looking...then damn I must be one fugly looking female!!! :tickled: :tickled:

Judging for your pics I doubt so ;)

And Salma is really cute

sixxswine said:
I have seen this & she's just okay, what can I say?
Like I said I thought she looked better when she was in her 20's,
then again people's tastes change & so do people's looks...

Salma still looks the same.. she hasn't changed a bit lol I think she still in her 20's.. late 20's that is...
tedvanfrehley said:
here are a few more oddball hottie picks!

Katie Couric
Kelly Ripa
Tina Fey - SNL
Amy Pohler (spelling? SNL)
Lindsay Lohan before she went way too skinny (Where's the back, baby??)
Sheryl Crow
Denise Austin

Katie Couric-Maybe... In soccer mom kinda way...
Oprah-Yuk. You can't be serious...
Kelly Ripa-She's kinda small...
Tina Fey - SNL-Yeah. She's a looker...
Amy Pohler (spelling? SNL)-No familiar with her... I better look into this...
Lindsay Lohan before she went way too skinny (Where's the back, baby??)-Nah, she's a fuckin' kid! Don't they have laws in KY?!
Sheryl Crow-That geezer, still looks pretty good, I agree.
Denise Austin-Who is this?!
sixxswine said:
Katie Couric-Maybe... In soccer mom kinda way...
Oprah-Yuk. You can't be serious...
Kelly Ripa-She's kinda small...
Tina Fey - SNL-Yeah. She's a looker...
Amy Pohler (spelling? SNL)-No familiar with her... I better look into this...
Lindsay Lohan before she went way too skinny (Where's the back, baby??)-Nah, she's a fuckin' kid! Don't they have laws in KY?!
Sheryl Crow-That geezer, still looks pretty good, I agree.
Denise Austin-Who is this?!

I would have to agree with (which i rarely do lol ) Swine on all of them with the exception of Lindsay(she lived in the next town over from me in Long Island) who i thought was hot before she became a stick recently...
i certainly don't expect to get replies on this...not many girls in here so... let's just say this thread has seen it all.... Until the next adventures of Pablamaiden!
Any guys who is a nice person and likes metal is hot in my book :rock:

PS. Kitty... David looks smashing in that photo!
tedvanfrehley said:
here are a few more oddball hottie picks!

Katie Couric
Kelly Ripa
Tina Fey - SNL
Amy Pohler (spelling? SNL)
Lindsay Lohan before she went way too skinny (Where's the back, baby??)
Sheryl Crow
Denise Austin

Except Oprah :yuk: , never heard of the rest.

Now this:


is another thing ;)
Bella Italiana :)

A lot of guys seem to like Scabbia nowdays... also Tarja... girls that rock! :rock:
Doug Aldrich of Whitesnake has the best abs in rock-n-roll!!!

come on guys, give a girl a break, I have to post about hot guys to keep up with these hot chicks you all keep talkin about! :tickled:
kittybeast said:
Doug Aldrich of Whitesnake has the best abs in rock-n-roll!!!

come on guys, give a girl a break, I have to post about hot guys to keep up with these hot chicks you all keep talkin about! :tickled:

OK, one for you girl
