My Week

Wheezer said:
Nothing at all like it. :rock: My home town isn't really in the mountains. The valley itself is 8,000 square miles (just 1250 square miles less than Vermont :grin: ) but the mountains are only about 50 miles away in any direction. We did a lot of camping when I was a youngster so I did get a little taste of mountain living.

I grew up on tracy hill which is Nicely nestled in the Green mountain range and I Miss it!!! granted for me the mountains are only a Mile away in any direction .... our mountains are foothills compared to the ones out there! hahaha but most of vermont is a mountain range ... which is why we are called "The Green Mountain State" ... I love Camping! theres nothing like Grabbing a tent some pot some booze(for those who drink) and some guns finding a nice spot in the forrest and staying there for a week hahaha ... oh and yeah Vermont is Tiny! but fiercly independant! and Progressive
JonnyD said:
I grew up on tracy hill which is Nicely nestled in the Green mountain range and I Miss it!!! granted for me the mountains are only a Mile away in any direction .... our mountains are foothills compared to the ones out there! hahaha but most of vermont is a mountain range ... which is why we are called "The Green Mountain State" ... I love Camping! theres nothing like Grabbing a tent some pot some booze(for those who drink) and some guns finding a nice spot in the forrest and staying there for a week hahaha ... oh and yeah Vermont is Tiny! but fiercly independant! and Progressive

Yeah, I miss my little home town too. There's just no work there or I'd be there in a heartbeat. Your mountains probably look fairly similar -- looking at our mountains when you're standing at 5000' feet wouldn't be much different from looking at your mountains standing at near sea level. You're more than welcome to come out any time and compare for yourself. That includes a place to stay and a tour guide.

You know the one thing I really remember from camping as a kid? Mom putting plastic sandwich bags over our shoes to keep our feet dry. Have you ever tried walking on wet grass in the mountains where there aren't many level surfaces with plastic bags over your shoes? :confused:

Colorado's big, all about state's rights, and fairly progressive in fits and spurts. :)
Wheezer said:
Yeah, I miss my little home town too. There's just no work there or I'd be there in a heartbeat. Your mountains probably look fairly similar -- looking at our mountains when you're standing at 5000' feet wouldn't be much different from looking at your mountains standing at near sea level. You're more than welcome to come out any time and compare for yourself. That includes a place to stay and a tour guide.

I will have to take you up on that offer Sounds like fun!!! but I know what you mean I gotta go to cooking school and find me a nice big city to work in which there are non here hahaha and there is certainly NOTHING in Northfield!!!!

Wheezer said:
You know the one thing I really remember from camping as a kid? Mom putting plastic sandwich bags over our shoes to keep our feet dry. Have you ever tried walking on wet grass in the mountains where there aren't many level surfaces with plastic bags over your shoes? :confused:

Colorado's big, all about state's rights, and fairly progressive in fits and spurts. :)

hahaha Yeah I remember the Plastic bags!!! That was hellish!! hahaha ... Vts funny cause it is Very Progressive Yet Extremely conservative too all at the same time ... did you know Vt was the first state in the Union to Abolish Slavery? infact it was 14 years before we joined the union when we were still the Independent Republic of Vermont
Wheezer said:
The parents will pay in higher insurance rates. That's if they decide to keep insuring her. She will lose her license for a year. That's minimum for a DUI. The minimum jail time is 10 days but that can be waived if she takes an alcohol education class (whatever the hell they call it).

Too lenient IMO :ill:
wow dude, that's horrible! Anybody that drinks and drives should be put in jail for a minimum of 5 years. I hope you can work everything out with the insurance companies, so you get compensated for most of it.

Now before we start bashing everybody under the age of 20, lets keep in mind the fact that NOT ALL KIDS ARE LIKE THEM, some of us think before we act :grin:
I feel they should raise the driving age to 18, some of us may have been responsible at 16, some not..but hopefully most of us have grown up and learned from our mistakes.

Knowing some of you are parents..I myself am do you feel about teens and alcohol? When you have parties are your kids say (15+) are allowed to have A beer or A wine cooler? Do you intentially lead them down the wrong path the first time by letting them drink (completely supervised) and get sooooooo drunk they'll never do that again?

We went to a party a while back and I didn't know what was more shocking...the 16+ crowd drinking (some too much) or the 12 year old girl who knew all the words to some extreme x-rated rap crap?!?!?
JonnyD said:
I will have to take you up on that offer Sounds like fun!!! but I know what you mean I gotta go to cooking school and find me a nice big city to work in which there are non here hahaha and there is certainly NOTHING in Northfield!!!!

Please do take me up on the offer. But make it between Memorial Day and Labor day because that's the only time the cool roads are open in the mountains. :)

There are plenty of year-round resorts here in the mountains that have high falutin' food. That would give you fairly small town, mountain living.

JonnyD said:
hahaha Yeah I remember the Plastic bags!!! That was hellish!! hahaha ... Vts funny cause it is Very Progressive Yet Extremely conservative too all at the same time ... did you know Vt was the first state in the Union to Abolish Slavery? infact it was 14 years before we joined the union when we were still the Independent Republic of Vermont

Vermont sounds like a sensible state to me. Very cool!
#1_Droogie said:
wow dude, that's horrible! Anybody that drinks and drives should be put in jail for a minimum of 5 years. I hope you can work everything out with the insurance companies, so you get compensated for most of it.

I talked to Mom yesterday and it sounds like the insurance company is already taking care of things the way they want them taken care of.

#1_Droogie said:
Now before we start bashing everybody under the age of 20, lets keep in mind the fact that NOT ALL KIDS ARE LIKE THEM, some of us think before we act :grin:

When we have such fine examples of under 20s like you and No Mercy and Dargor we think the ones that are stupid are the exception rather than the rule. Keep up the good work. :)
kittybeast said:
Knowing some of you are parents..I myself am do you feel about teens and alcohol? When you have parties are your kids say (15+) are allowed to have A beer or A wine cooler? Do you intentially lead them down the wrong path the first time by letting them drink (completely supervised) and get sooooooo drunk they'll never do that again?

I'm curious too. I've heard the theory of allowing a beer or a wine cooler takes the mystery out of it in the hope that it removes at least one motivation for trying it. Dunno.

kittybeast said:
We went to a party a while back and I didn't know what was more shocking...the 16+ crowd drinking (some too much) or the 12 year old girl who knew all the words to some extreme x-rated rap crap?!?!?

Gah! :hypno: From my fairly straight-laced upbringing they're both really shocking.
kittybeast said:
We went to a party a while back and I didn't know what was more shocking...the 16+ crowd drinking (some too much) or the 12 year old girl who knew all the words to some extreme x-rated rap crap?!?!?
if you think that's bad, you should come here.....16 year olds doing coke and shrooms......and other things too :erk: