My Nan passed away last night.


Stunt Plough Rider
Oct 15, 2001
Lithgow, Oz
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif] my Grandmother passed away last night, after 6 months of deterioration with mini-strokes in her sleep left her unable to swallow, talk, or move her left hand side.

She lived through WWII, started work at 14 (started smoking then also), and worked hard in cleaning jobs before her and Grandad started a fruit and vegetable shop.

When my sister was born a paraplegic, with high needs from my parents, I'd stay at my Grandparent's place every second Wednesday, through Sunday. Mum, Dad and my sister would come up for Sunday lunch, and we'd go home.

She always had time for a 3 year old in the back of the shop, even while working 10 hour days.

Tomorrow I drive down to my favourite place in the world, which will be empty...first time that the house has been truly empty in nearly 80 years.

(I think I'll be playing Long Distance Runner most of the way down there...seems appropriate)
I have no Grand parents, and haven't had for a very long tme, mine died young, be thankful your Gran was there for so long for you mate, while I sit here with a tear in my eye for you and your family's lose.

My sincerest condolances (sic)
you've got a point. Rhiannon lost one of her Grandmothers at 3, I lost my last grandparent at 38.

to quote Cinderalla "don't know what you've got 'till it's gone"
I'm not looking fwd to the time my Grandma passes away. I used to spend a lot of time at here place as a kid. She practically raised me along with my oldies. My Nan has been through a lot too. She too lived through WWII She was pregnant 13 times only 5 babies made it. Then at 7 my Uncle Bruce died of Leukaemia. Had my dad die at 39, nearly lost my Aunt and nursed my Grand-dad till he died a long slow death. But she is real proud to have 8 grand kids,9 great grand kids and loves everyone more than I have ever known someone to care about anyone.
For what it's worth, Shannow, you have my sympathies too. It sounds like your Nan was a big part of your life and you will miss her every day.

From experience I can tell you it'll hurt for a while, but eventually you'll be able to focus on the good memories. Hang in there...

Sorry to hear that mate. You've had a rough time of it in recent months. Losing a grandparent really sucks, as you'd well know. :(
Back home.
Sunday was 880km down to Daylesford, today was 880km back.

YEsterday I went to the viewing (first time I've been to one), and it was really good to see her like she was before the strokes and illness. Funeral was good, and my uncle (referred to in his town as "The poor man's Eddie MacGuire") put his touch on the eulogie, and made us all sad/happy.

Bagpipes saw her out of the service (I'm starting to hate "Amazing Grace" on the pipes, as I've heard it too much recently).

I love roads and road signs in Victoria. Half wat between Bendigo and Castlemain, there was a sign pointing to Mildura, and another to Adelaide. Went through the birthplace of Killing Heidi also, as well as Bradman's birth place.
Sorry to hear dude :(

My grandpa passed away around this time last year, my upbringing was similar, the times mum was in hospital I'd stay with my grandparents and spent alot of time growing up in their house and it feels like a big part of me is missing now since he passed, but he was 97 and the time was right for him.

My grandma now lives alone in their house and isn't the same anymore (they had been married over 50 years), half of her is gone now and she just doesnt know what to do with herself. I know when she goes it will be a huge part of my life that isn't there anymore...

I hope you and your family are getting through it alright, and from the sounds of it she's in a better place after going through a big battle.