slightly off-topic bought a new toy !!

Bryant said:
Cool !! You goingto get some more cabinets and camo them as well ? Happy birthday ! :kickass:


If I get some more cabs, I'll probably regrill them with the camo cloth, hehehe... I really like the look (Thanks Scott Ian!)

:rock: :rock: :rock:
JonnyD said:
AWwwwwwwwwwwwww *Drooooooooooooooools* Thats Awsome Bryant! :grin:

Yeah now you have to come over here and teach me how to use it. :yell:

I went through the factory presets Sunday night. Some of them are cool. Tomorrow night I will experiment with all the different individual effects. I don't even have the home recording software installed yet, but I am not ready for that yet.
